
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Article Strategies - What You Need to Know

Article strategies are used as a simple and free method of building targeted website traffic in both a direct and indirect way. Firstly, when you write articles and submit them to article directories, you are giving people permission to download your articles free of charge on the condition that they also publish your resource and biographical information with a live link to your website. Article marketing directly attracts visitors to your website when readers decide they want more information from you and click on your link and indirectly by increasing link popularity and therefore search engine page rank.

The following are five successful article strategies for the best article marketing results:

1. Identify your audience. The other article strategies won't work if you haven't identified your audience. Your article should clearly target a specific audience that would be interested in your information and in your products and services. Readers who click on your website link will therefore be predisposed to be interested in what you are offering.

2. Write your article around common search terms. Your goal is to attract interest and to do this you need to focus on popularly searched topics. This is one of the most effective article strategies because it can help you write highly targeted material. Different search engines offer free keyword analysis tools to help you research popular searches in a given month.

3. Optimize your article for your chosen keyword. This is one of those article strategies that can be overlooked if you are not experienced in internet marketing. Do not overuse the keyword as this is known as keyword stuffing and is penalized by search engines, particularly Google. If you use the keyword once per paragraph, you will find this is enough to be effective and not so much as to ruin the flow of the article.

4. Provide unique and valuable content. Readers won't be inspired to click on your website link if your article isn't informative, interesting or relevant to them. Furthermore, the content must target an audience that will find your website offerings relevant. Even if you apply other effective article strategies, if you miss this one you will not be able to convert visitors to sales.

5. Your article should be well written. This is one of those common sense article strategies, yet it is amazing how many articles appear in article directories and across the web which are appalling. No matter how interesting or informative your content, if your article is dotted with spelling and grammatical errors, it will reflect poorly on your professionalism and credibility. If you cannot write well yourself, outsource your writing to a professional writer. You do not have to pay an arm and a leg to have your articles written, if you are patient and discerning you will be able to find an affordable writer who can produce great articles.

If you write often and submit your articles regularly to high traffic article directories you will gradually build substantial traffic over time. It is estimated that you need to have built your online articles to about one hundred to gain the most benefit from article marketing. By doing this and following these five article strategies you will achieve dramatic growth in website traffic and ultimately sales and profits.

Raymond Nwambuonwo has been a contributing author for this website and is an acknowledged expert on articles in the field of Internet marketing. He can be found on the internet at this website:

Raymond Nwambuonwo has been a contributing author for this website and is an acknowledged expert in the field of Article Writing and Submissions. He can be found on the internet at this website: Article Strategies


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