
Saturday, May 10, 2008

Make Money At Home Web Site - How Many Promotional Articles Do You Need For 1,000 Hits Daily?

Promotional articles can generate plenty of traffic for your make money at home web site. But many webmasters want specifics. For example some ask exactly how many articles they will require to hit a certain target in daily traffic at their web site. After all if it is another effective way of them advertising their web sites, it is only fair that they are able to quantify the results.

Naturally this is not a very easy question to answer because there are many factors involved here. For example it heavily depends on which industry and topic the articles are going to cover. There are some particular industries where content is scarce and therefore any content that is produced will have a much greater impact than content on other topics and will end up generating a lot of traffic. There are a number of other key factors that will have a major impact on what volume of traffic your articles end up pulling in.

Quality Of Keywords Will Decide What Kind of Money You Make At Your Home Business Web Site

Experience and expertise when it comes to your choice of keywords will have a major impact on what kind of traffic you manage to generate from your promotional SEO articles. If you are a novice at this kind of thing then it would be a good idea for you to look for somebody who is competent at selecting keyword phrases for you based on your current page rank and other factors at your make money at home business web site.

The Quality Of Your Promotional Articles Will Decide What Volume Of Traffic You Receive For Each Article

The more useful an article is, the more people will tend to link to it and the higher the volume of traffic that will be generated. It is very important to remember that this is not just a matter of churning out a large amount of meaningless articles. There is no way that it will work that way for your make money at home website, or for any other business for that matter.

How To Estimate The Volume Of Traffic Your Make money at home website Will Receive From Articles

The way to estimate how many SEO promotional articles you will need to reach your target number of hits, is to analyze what you are able to generate with your first 50 articles or so. This should give you a fairly accurate picture. However one of the big advantages of generating traffic from articles is the fact that once you have created a single article, it will be your make money at home site slave for years pulling in traffic year after year without any need for maintenance or adjustments.

Examine these make money at home websites where plenty of content has already been provided:


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