
Monday, May 19, 2008

Viral Marketing 101 - Your Guide to Generating More Traffic To Your Internet Marketing Business

One of the most important aspects of your website is the creativity you inject into it that attracts visitors and return readers. To place yourself ahead of the competition in Internet based businesses you need to stand out, be a bit different than all the other blogs and sites out there. Your marketing techniques should be creative as well as your content. Combined, you have two strong leads that will carry you ahead of others in internet marketing.

There are many methods and techniques used by marketing sites today, yet some stand out in a away others don't and can provide an extra boost in traffic and popularity for your site. One very powerful technique is called viral marketing.

While the term viral tends to make one think of a virus, something all computer owners avoid like the plague, it is actually a good virus. You do not use a computer virus to spread your business; you use the viral power to spread the word from one person to another, just as an actual virus spreads itself.

Viral Marketing Overview

Viral marketing or, as it is otherwise known, viral advertising is a marketing tool used to build the public awareness of one's product or company. For internet marketing it uses many forms of online media to reach out to the public without actually promoting the product. How does it accomplish this? It does so by facilitating and encouraging people to pass along a marketing message. It may be done through video clips, ebooks, reports, email how-to courses, brandable software, and even images in which you include information about your product or service and a link to your website or squeeze page. Basically the idea works on the premise that if people like the content of a media they will pass it on to their friends and family. When this media carries your company or product info it gets passed along in the process, delivering your message and branding your company and product in the process to many other people.

Viral marketing has become so popular because it is relatively inexpensive to create and deliver. To avoid being tagged as spam mail, viral marketing counts on the eagerness of one person to pass the media on to another who accepts and reads the email due to the personal relationship with the individual who sent it.

Using Viral Marketing to Your Advantage

The most obvious advantage of viral marketing is that you get a lot of publicity and public awareness for your product, your name and your company for very little expense and effort. As a result you generate a flow of traffic of potential customers. With creativity and imagination, plus an incentive that appeals to the market you are trying to reach, you can capture quite a bit of attention.

Viral marketing is not new but is used in new ways online everyday. Brainstorm your marketing techniques so that you can put a viral delivery method out there with an ebook, a report, or whatever product or message you can deliver. Then sit back and watch the wonders viral marketing can do for you.

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