
Sunday, June 8, 2008

Can You Really Trust The Compulsive Buyer To Make You Profits Online?

Information abounds online most of it hurtful to your business if you do not have a proper understanding of how things actually work online. Some marketers believe they just need to put up a flash website to promote their product. They operate on the basis that people who arrive at their website will make a purchase just because they have been asked to.

Disappointment soon sets in as they discover people are not flocking to their website in expected numbers nor are they making any purchases. This can lead to them quitting a potentially profitable online business or worse go heavily into debt.

It is worth noting that the compulsive buyer will buy just about anything if they trust you and are in the buying zone. The problem is this will only account for 1 in 10000 customers. You simply cannot put your trust in this type of buyer however hot your product may be. Traffic is not cheap.

The smart internet marketer simply invites interested visitors to their sites with the understanding that if they don't buy something on their first visit they can follow them up until they do make a purchase. Bear in mind that these visitors have shown an interest in your website offer. It would be a shame not to follow them up.

So how do you follow them up?

1. Set up a squeeze page to capture their names and addresses first of all.

2. Get an auto responder so you can send out messages to your subscribers. Your auto responder also gives you the html code to place on your squeeze page opt in box

3. Write out some messages to send out to your subscribers at regular intervals

4. Drive traffic to your website/squeeze page. There are lots of traffic generation strategies to choose from. Master one or two and get on with it. I prefer article marketing.

5. Build a genuine relationship with your subscribers. Let them know you really care about their success online. Suffice to say that their success is your success too.

Now most of what I have listed above requires your time and effort to learn what needs to be done. I can assure you that once learned you will be in a very strong position to make profits online. You will have the opportunity of building a solid relationship with people who have come to trust you over time. When you then make a product recommendation they will be more responsive to it. This certainly beats sending traffic to a sales page and expecting total strangers to trust you enough to part with their money.

Ready to build a email list?

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Willfred D is an expert author and marketer specialising in opt in email list building and pre qualified traffic generation techniques.


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