
Saturday, June 21, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

In business there is one thing that everyone needs to be profitable and that is consumers or customers. In a brick and mortar business it is all about location that has a steady stream of potential customers. But if you want to be successful in business online no matter what your business you need to have traffic. The amount of traffic that you can generate to your websites and squeeze pages is going to determine the level of success you are going to have.

There are many ways to generate traffic

Building websites with some value in a particular niche would be the first place to start to build traffic. You would write keyword rich web pages that is of value to your readers. Internet surfers have short attention spans so offer something of value to keep them on your site. You have to optimize you web pages in order to make them search engine friendly. You will get index in all the major search engines but remember that it will take time for you to get top rankings in them. But you have to first optimize your pages and offer quality content.

Link building is another great way to generate traffic to your website. You can submit your site to major directories in order to get links back to you but that is just a start. You will have to look for sites that are already established on the net with high PR ranking that you can trade links with. Remember to link to sites that are in the same niche as you. This method will bring traffic but also improve the value of your site with good quality sites linking to you.

Forum marketing will also give you good quality traffic. When you sign up for forums stick to the ones that are the same as your niche or your website theme. In most forums you are allowed to put in a signature link in your profile. Then just post in those forums on a regular basis which will start to generate a bit of traffic to you and the added bonus is it will also give you a link back to your website.

Article writing is another great way to get traffic to your site. This method is often over looked by allot of people involved in internet marketing but it is a great way to help you build traffic to your sites. When you write articles and submit them to the popular article directories they get posted and there are allot of people who will use your content on their websites. When they do this you have a resource box with your information and links to your site that will generate traffic. The beauty of doing this is you will always have on going traffic from this and again you have links coming back to you.

Paid advertising is a good way to get traffic but you really have to know what you doing because if you don't it can really cost you. Paid traffic does offer one advantage over everything else and that is its automatic traffic to your website. By using Google, Yahoo or MSN paid search you will have instant traffic to your sites. It is only a quick fix and you will have to do the other techniques in order to have long term traffic.

So that is some of the ways that you can get traffic to your website. You need traffic in order to be successful online so it is very important that you have traffic building system in place. It all takes time and effort but it will be worth it in the end.

For more information on building traffic and other marketing tips visit me at my blog at Work in the home


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