
Friday, July 4, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Creating your own opt in mailing list is definitely one of the most crucial steps to making money on the internet. If you look at any internet millionaire, at some point or other they have all had a mailing list which they have used to propel themselves and their business to unlimited heights. This is sure evidence that if you want to start making money online, you need to create your own opt-in mailing list as soon as possible and start building your subscriber base. Here are some sure-fire ways you can get targeted subscribers quickly and easily, absolutely free.

- Create an ebook or report which is relevant to what your mailing list has to offer. This ebook doesnt have to be more than 10 20 pages long, all it has to be is interesting and informative and above all it has to have instructions on how to sign up to your mailing list inside it. It could have your mailing list sign up URL within it. It could have an autoresponder address within it which you could instruct readers to send a blank email to in order to sign up. Just make sure that the reader sees this opportunity within your ebook so that they actively have to make the choice of whether to sign up or not. Chances are, if you use some persuasive language and show the clear advantages of signing up, they will almost certainly sign up. Another good strategy is to give away your ebook free. This way your ebook will circulate around the internet more quickly and your mailing list offer will be shown to more people.

- Offer people a bonus for signing up. This bonus could be an ebook, a software product, or anything which is relevant to what your mailing list has to offer. This way, you can be sure that whoever is reading your mailing list offer will be interested in the bonus youre offering. The great thing about a bonus is that it gives people an immediate reason to sign up. In internet marketing, you have to give people a reason to act, and a bonus does just that.

- Write your own articles for submission to article directories. In the resource box of your article you could leave an autoresponder address which readers could contact to sign up. Another option would be to leave your sign up URL in the signature. Personally, I would use the autoresponder option because it is a much quicker route to getting the readers email address and the longer the sign up process takes, the longer the reader has got to change his mind. If you dont have an autoresponder already, get a free one at

- Include a tell a friend script in every mailing you send. At the end of every email you send to your list you could have a link that if subscribers clicked on it would take them to a web page which encouraged them to use a small form to send an email to one of their friends, recommending your mailing list. An effective way to do this is to offer them a bonus if they refer your mailing list to 3 friends. Again, make sure the bonus is something that you know will be useful to them because that way they are more likely to recommend someone to you.

Overall, just keep working at it. Dont give up hope because your subscriber rate is low at the start because even the best internet marketers have been there at some stages. Keep promoting your list and always be looking to try new things because you never know how effective they might be.

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