
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Article Marketing Answer - How Many Articles You Need To Write To Become Successful

To tell you the truth, you need to make more than two hundred articles in order to become truly successful with your articles. I suggest that you write at least 10-20 articles everyday. If you don't your going to be left in the dust. This is a fact! Why is that so? Because the article marketer who floods the market the fastest and the most is going to come out on top. There is no escaping that truth.

You have to write countless amounts of articles about the industry that your in in order to become successful in your article marketing. This is called the flooding method, and it is the best working article marketing strategy. The more articles that you write, the more that your articles will be available in your market, which means the more clicks to your website. When you do article marketing, you create an article to get people to click on your URL link. That is why your article is made. It was born to get readers to click on it's link. You can do this more effectively if you write tons of articles.

I don't mean tons as in just 50. I mean hundreds. You have to flood the market with your information filled articles more than anyone else. When you do, you are going to come out on top, and your going to be the one who is getting all the clicks in your market. It's not crazy to think that your article will end up on Google. It's easily possible if you flood your market. It all depends on your determination and dedication. You are not going to see the amazing results that articles can really give you, if you don't write hundreds of articles about your industry. This is a fact that will never ever change.

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