
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Article Submission - Methods to Get Good Backlinks

There are a few marketing tricks you can use to begin building traffic to your website. If you are an affiliate marketer, or network marketer, this method will bring you target traffic by using article submission.

The first thing to remember is that you should be the person writing your articles if you want this trick to work for free. You do not have to be a great writer at all. If this seems too daunting, then there are writers on the Internet that will take over this task for you.

Article submission to drive traffic to your site needs to have the subject matter of your articles be something about the product, or company you are trying to market on your site. It does no good to have your article be about pencils, if you are trying to market pens.

Break up your articles into small 500 word articles using SEO methods. Optimizing your articles for article submission to content sites is to get your articles listed naturally as part of that content site.

Google loves article sites. Their spiders index these article content sites on a regular basis. When your article submission is accepted, this then becomes a part of that site and gets indexed along with everything else for article submission into the search engine.

Use target keywords in your articles. If the product you're writing about is foreign auto parts with regards to hubcaps, then your keyword might be "foreign car hubcaps". You would want to use this keyword at least 6-8 times throughout your article.

This helps to make your article relevant to Google, when it is indexed. This also will go far to give your article a high ranking when someone is looking for foreign car hubcaps for their car. SEO article submission like this will target your market so your traffic is right on what you are marketing.

The key to people reading your articles then getting to your marketing page is simple. All of the article content sites will allow you to leave a link at the bottom of your article. This link would be the URL to your page so you receive the traffic generated from your article submission.

It helps to leave a closing comment to your readers, so if they are looking for a wide selection of foreign car hubcaps, they can follow your link to check out this resource. This is the key to making this trick work to receive targeted traffic.

Article submission to article content sites is not a new marketing trick, but it is an effective one. Done correctly, your article submission has the power to rank first page on Google and stay there for months, generating a steady income resource to you over and over again.

Another key to article submission is to engage your readers so they don't just leave without finishing the article. It has been shown that people reading online have a shorter attention span than when reading a magazine article. If your article entices the readers to want more information about the subject, then they are more than likely going to follow the link you left for them at the bottom of it.

Raymond Nwambuonwo has been a contributing author for this website and is an acknowledged expert on articles in the field of Internet marketing. He can be found on the internet at this website:

Raymond Nwambuonwo has been a contributing author for this website and is an acknowledged expert in the field of Article Writing and Submissions. He can be found on the internet at this website: :Article Distribution


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