
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Building a List? Its Fun With a Joint Venture Giveaway

Want to have fun while building your list? Try a joint venture giveaway. You give away now to make money online later.

But first, are you convinced of the need for building a list? Experienced webpreneurs tell us that building a list is the foundation of a long standing online business.

Not only can you sell directly to our subscribers, but you can use your list in so many other ways. You can generate feedback on new product designs before you launch them. You can find people to beta test your products. You can ask for testimonials to use in your marketing materials. You can conduct surveys and plan market research. You can even find joint venture partners for other undertakings.

Are you convinced that you need to start building a list?

Joint venture giveaways are one way of building a list, and theyre fun to boot. You join with a group of other joint venture partners, all of whom donate a free gift to site visitors. Each of these partners is obligated to send traffic to the site during the events lifetime. You collect the email address every time someone accesses the gift you have provided.

No gift and no traffic to send? No problem.

The best gifts when you are building a list are often ones you create yourself. Ideally, they are items, products or services that can be delivered over the Internet. If you dont have an ebook or other electronic item to donate, you can get one quickly. Run a Google search for public domain ebooks and see what turns up. If an item is in the public domain, you can give it away. Alternatively, surf on over to eBay and buy a package of PLR articles or ebooks. You can often get these for two or three dollars a bundle. You can give away PLR products, rewrite them, or even add your name as the author.

To find traffic for the giveaway, consider your circle of friends, acquaintances, business colleagues or your contact list at Facebook or Squidoo. You might also post a message to an Internet forum or to an email group if the rules permit. If not perhaps you can include the information in your signature.

Now, back to collecting the email addresses since the whole point is building a list. The whole process is simple when you use a good autoresponder service. You set up the autoresponder so that when a person clicks through the giveaway site to collect your gift, they encounter a squeeze page. The squeeze page contains a form that asks for their email address. When they provide the address, the system takes them automatically to another page where they view the download information for their gift. In the meantime, the autoresponder saves the email address to a database. You are now building your list.

The autoresponder you use is vitally important when you are building a list. Please avoid the free ones. They lack the features that you need, plus the email messages they send contains other peoples advertisements. Instead, look for a reliable autoresponder service that automates the entire process. It should allow you to send follow up emails at intervals you determine. Building a list moves from daunting to simple when you use the right tools.

One last tip about building a list: Always remember your subscribers are a valuable resource and treat them accordingly.

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and why you should care


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