
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Learn How To Market On The Internet - By Writing Articles!

It's a well-kept secret. Researching and creating articles for the Internet, particularly if they are related to Internet Marketing itself TEACHES YOU HOW TO MARKET! It's almost like a classroom. Your teachers? Other Article Marketers! The course syllabus? Every tactic, technique and strategy in play in the market today. Here's a synopsis of what you can learn, if you just get busy RESEARCHING and writing articles:

The Writing Process Itself

It's a given that a marketer needs to develop at least SOME basic level of writing skill. Publishing a newsletter to a mailing list, communicating with visitors to your blog, crafting content for your web site; all require command of the English language. That's right, ENGLISH. If you are going to penetrate world markets, you better learn English. It's rapidly developing into not only the language of Science, the language of Air Traffic Control, the language of Medicine, and the language of the diplomatic corps, but also the language of the Internet. Get used to it. It's here to stay.


Sooner or later, if you are to become an Internet Marketer, you are going to have to (gasp) SELL SOMETHING! This requires copywriting skills. Learning how to persuade people. Learning the difference between just spouting facts and figures about your offering and what it's FEATURES and BENEFITS are. Learning how to transport yourself into the mind of your reader. Studying Seduction marketing. Learning how to CLOSE the deal.

The Search Engines

Article marketing, and in particular, it's closely-related cousin, Bum marketing, insists on the development of an intimate knowledge of how the search engines work. Traffic patterns, page rank, silo-structured web site design, the study of how the search engines treat the content of articles, the interrelationships between article directories - all disciplines and areas of study that benefit the Article marketer as well as online marketers in general.

Keyword Research

No self-respecting article marketer can avoid the "K" word: Keyword. I am referring to keyword research, long-tail keywords, keyword tools, keyword tactics, and the psychology of keywords. The road to success in Article marketing winds straight through KWU: KeyWord University. Learn this one skill, and as a crack Article marketer you can write your own success story - in practically ANY arena of online marketing. It's that important.


If an aspiring Internet Marketer came to me and asked "What one skill would you recommend I master first?" I would answer instantly and easily: Become an avid and relentless Article Marketer. You won't regret it!

Steve is a CPA, real estate developer and online entrepreneur. He operates a network of mentoring web sites and has been involved in online marketing since before the web arrived. For a ringside seat at his festivities hit:


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