
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mortgage Marketing Tip - Putting Trust Back Into Lending

Stressing Credibility in Mortgage Marketing

Are you looking for the one mortgage marketing tip that can make a difference to your business? It's simple, right now consumers and Realtors are looking for mortgage companies they can trust. When you create marketing campaigns around your "trust worthiness" you have marketing gold.

How exactly do you prove that you are trust worthy? It's a simple matter practicing what you preach. First, you need to have an impeccable track record for helping real estate agents and clients solve problems. Your reputation must be above reproach - you are the image of ethical behavior.

Testimonials Speak Volumes

You've got those clients out there that are more than willing to sing your praises. Take advantage of that. Get permission from the client to use their name and comments on your marketing materials. Record their comments and produce them into stories that illustrate your services. Prospective clients and Realtors are looking for proof of your claims - a testimonial provides that credibility.

Educate the Clients

Knowledge is power. Another mortgage marketing tip is to provide potential clients with an educational resource to help them better understand the mortgage process. Set up monthly seminars on mortgage topics, have a resource library that is available to clients, offer free reports that simplify and clarify mortgage steps. When the information is readily available, consumers are confidant in your abilities.

Be Above Reproach

Make it impossible to question your reputation by being thorough. Make sure that your website includes links to information that clarifies your role and the role of the lender. Include information on the Truth in Lending Act, Privacy policies, RESPA adherence statements, etc. Explain how the Good Faith Estimate is prepared and what it means. When you show that you are more than willing to adhere to the rules that govern mortgages, you inspire trust.

Highlight Your History

Realtors and clients want someone who will be in business tomorrow. Show that you and your company have a solid history of doing business. Include a short sentence that explains how long your company has been in business in your marketing materials.

Show Your Accomplishments

Don't be afraid to highlight your education and experience. Hang up the certificates from the courses you complete. Do you have any special mortgage training or certification? Include information about that certification on your website.

Trust should be the cornerstone of your mortgage marketing materials. Even a subtle proof of your claims provides the necessary credibility to make you seem like the real deal. In implementing these mortgage marketing tips, you'll inspire trust and loyalty in your clients - what better way to show them than through your solid reputation and necessary training.

Jeffrey Nelson helps loan officers increase loan originations by getting referrals from real estate agents.

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