
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Online Article Marketing - To be Thin or Not to be Thin - The Question

Should your online articles have a lot of content or be thinly written? Many online articles authors are upset that other others write trite thinly written articles and these critics of short articles do indeed make a very good point indeed. This is problematic and troubling and they have a right to be a little frustrated over this issue.

One thing I find interesting is the number of business articles that are written by folks who have never really done anything in business and yet write articles as if they know everything about business. It seems that just because someone can write a decent article with good sentence structure, does not necessarily make them a knowledge based authority or expert. Just because an author writes a good grammatically correct article does not mean they know what they are talking about.

When we talk about reader perception of an author's credentials, it seems we ought to also talk about deception, trickery or even questionable marketing ploys as well. You see just because someone has a degree in business, well it is not the same as winning in the free-market. If one can only succeed on the key board should they be allowed to give advice as if reality based to those who are searching for real answers?

Another point, I would like to make about the online article author critic's astute observation is this; often online article writer's write thin content as to not give away too much, only enough to entice the reader to click to their website. This has also been recommended in the many eBooks on Online Article Marketing and this constitutes a "Catch 22" for some authors and they will need to work this out for themselves?

Do they write thinly done articles with minimal content, just enough to wet the appetite or do they go full on and write one of my 1500 word articles and explain everything in depth. Having written many of both types for various reasons, this might also become part of this conversation between article authors and their critics in upcoming dialogues?

And also as part of the conversation, where is that line to be drawn. I mean I can probably write an entire eBook on just about any subject I have 10 or more articles in or one or more white papers on half of those categories. Yet, this is an article submission site? And the critics you have to admit bring up a really good point. Everyone wants to be thin, but is it unhealthy for your online article marketing endeavors to be too thin or too rich in content? You decide.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington


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