
Monday, June 16, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Like most of us, you're probably fed up with having to deal with your boss and the usual nine-to-five grind. After months of careful research, you've decided to "take the plunge" and start your own business. You've set up a great business plan and your friends and family say they are behind you one hundred percent. Now it's time to advertise so that everyone else will know what a wonderful business you have.

But where do you start?

Do you buy print advertising in your local newspaper?

Buy some air time on your local television or radio station?

Arrange to have a full page ad in the local yellow pages of your phone book?

Do you hand out flyers to everyone you meet?

Those methods work, but only insofar as reaching your immediate area and your ability to immediately track the results of anyone campaign.

You have big plans for growing your business in the future, but everyone keeps telling you to be careful and keep it local until you establish yourself. Besides, you're going to need to use any initial profits you make to pay for all that fancy advertising you've set up.

Unless your friends and family have their own booming business, why are you even listening to them? If you're reading this, then you are aware of at least part of the power of the internet, so why not utilize this formidable promotional tool?

Power of Online Marketing At A Glance

Online advertising is plug and play: Any type of print advertising has to be set up and scheduled; flyers and newspapers may take several days and an ad in your local phone book may not come out until many months down the road.

Online advertising gives you control: You've decided to offer your customers a special discount: you can immediately add a coupon and adjust what you need to right on your website rather than having to wait for someone at the print shop or newspaper to get around to it.

Online advertising is not just cost is cheaper: you get more "bang for your buck" online. Rather than having to pay higher prices for print work and distribution costs, you can use the money you save on advertising to add to your merchandise. If you are looking to go "Green" (An added bonus is that you'll also help environmentally because you're using little, if any, natural resources to promote your business! )

Online advertising can be interactive: Instead of just seeing a flat, two dimensional image, you can catch your customer's eye with all sorts of "bells and whistles"! Audio and visual enhancements invite your customers to involve themselves to a much greater extent than just looking at a newspaper ad or flyer. There is an added benefit to advertising online and that is you can also include additional information as part of your customer testimonials and Frequently Asked Questions ( or FAQs ).

Online advertising can be easily tracked: If you do any sort of print advertising, the only tangible means of tracking how effective your campaign is, or at least part of it, is to use coupons that the customers have to redeem. Even then, it's difficult to know exactly who is responding to any of your advertising. Online advertising can easily be measured and broken down into very specific results. Aside from tracking individual sales, there are ways of tracking which web pages have been seen. This is a great tool to use to help you refine your advertising and be much more responsive to your customers.

Online advertising receives feedback: You can immediately change your sales process, product and promotion by asking your customers for feedback right on your site. If you know exactly what your customers want, your sales will go through the roof.

Online advertising works: If it didn't, it wouldn't be enticing national advertisers to continue to increase their online advertising budgets by twenty-five percent each year!

You have seen all the benefits of online marketing and how it can establish or improve you current business.

So what are you waiting for? Get your marketing started! What have you got to lose?

Ron Seawood is a Master Affiliate Marketer with experience in both online and offline marketing!
Have questions about how to market online or start your own online business?
Click Here Now http:

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