
Sunday, May 25, 2008

Marketing Articles-Article Marketing is the "Magic Pill" for Business

With the rise in competition in the field of business, there has been a substantial growth in the marketing domain. Thanks to the use of the so called strategic article marketing tactics business firms can now see their business grow exponentially. Erroneous would it be if we state that the article marketing service is an entirely new concept as article marketing traces it roots back to the era of print media. Defining the term article marketing in layman language would not be a tough task. The term article marketing in its simplest form is actually a marketing strategy wherein a business firm advertises its services or products through articles which reflect the business firm in the best possible way.

If article marketing had not been in practice, it would have been a little tedious for us to gauge a business firm to its core. There is no shortage of article marketing websites which throw light on the services and products of a company in a rather interesting way, thanks to the internet and search engines like Google. Moreover, through an article, a particular organization reaches more number of people in less time. Print Media ( newspapers, magazines etc) is one of the many ways through which strategic marketing of an article can be made possible.

Online magazines, which are a part of internet marketing, also serve as powerful tools for marketing articles. Through article marketing, a small business can reach millions of people and thus popularize itself. An original article discusses or merely states the services provided by an organization along with providing the contact details of the organization. Advertising article marketing is the new face of article marketing. So is the case with niche article marketing, which has proved to be the magic-pill for a number of business organizations. The basic reason as why the concept of niche article marketing has gained popularity is the existence of the powerful consumer force which commands enough attention, thus making the business firms devise new strategies and marketing tactics every now and then to satisfy their demand.

ArticlesInMyInbox is the world's premier article marketing service provider. To get pricing or to purchase their services, send an email with "article info" in the subject and a little about your business with your website link to

Let All Your Web Pages Do the Selling for You!

Selling your company and its products and services is a full time job. What better way to market your company than through the venue that never sleeps - the Internet. It operates 24/7/365 and never catches a cold (except for a virus or two). Your website can be your best selling ally if used to its fullest extent.

Let's assume you have an operational website. Your home page is search engine optimized (SEO) with your content that is keyword rich and written to drive traffic to your site. But what about the rest of your pages? These can be the step children of a site and are often neglected.

Your "About Us" , "Contact Us", "Articles and Resources" and even your "404 Error" pages are valuable opportunities to continue to deliver your message. Each and every one of them can be optimized as an individual stand-alone. For example:

The "About Us" page is valuable because once the viewer visits this page he is now considering your services and wants to find out more about your company. This page need to be appealing, answer additional questions viewers might have and show the human side of your company. The way it is written tells the viewer that this is a company and group of people that I can relate to and do business with... or not!

The "Contact Us" page not only tells the viewer where to find you but it is an opportunity to give them a take away or an incentive to call you. A message to the viewer should be given even on such a mundane page. Don't miss an opportunity to sell, remind or upsell.

The "Articles and Resources" and "Media" pages are essential to provide the viewer with valuable information on your products and services. Well written articles can make your visitors decide if you have what they are looking for. All articles should be optimized, which in turn will drive more traffic to your site. Search engines love original content (remember, do not cut and paste from other articles as search engine spiders will then tag your site as unreadable).

The "404 Error" pages that show a page not found should not be wasted. With this page you have a valuable opportunity to "sell" yourself while you are "redirecting" your visitor to your home page.

If you take the proper care and attention to your website and all its pages, you will in the end have a more productive and profitable website. Remember, the viewer wants to find something valuable on your website. That is why he is going there. So help him out by giving him something he wants. This will in turn give you greater returns on your investment.

TeamWork Builds Web Success

The Web Success Team specializes in building and marketing direct response websites that take full advantage of the latest developments on the Internet. The Team has an arsenal of effective web strategies, online tools and proven techniques to promote your products and services. And we'll show you ways to increase the amount of qualified traffic to your site through the expanding "social web" and how to convert visitors into buyers at a high rate of return.

Your website can become an effective marketing hub for your business. To learn more about the power of Direct Response Web Marketing, log on to

Contact the Team today for a complimentary consultation at or email Bob Speyer at To your web success!

Breakthrough List Building - 3 Best Ways to Start Building Your List

Building a strong subscribers' e-mail list is an activity in an organization that is seriously being done. Every subscriber's list that adds-up on the pile of list counts a lot and means so much. For every successful attempt to have the list padded means more potential clients to have and greater success in store for the business. For this reason, a business entity takes so much energy and effort in making sure that the e-mail list remains strong and competitive. Cited below are three of the best ways to start building a robust list of e-mail addresses:

1. Make your subscriber or registration box notably visible in all possible ways. You can opt at putting this registration box on your landing page or any where else on your site page. Make sure that it is not positioned somewhere at the bottom because generally of net visitors do not land on the most bottom part of the webpage. Putting it on the bottom part makes you lose your chance to catch the potential subscription.

2. You can incorporate on every article material that you create and publish on article submission sites a single byline area where you can make an invitation on how they can practically subscribe or register. This will give your business more chances of capturing more possible potential registrants. In addition, the visibility of these forms on every way possible gives you better exposure thus, greater potential.

3. To entice more people to register and leave their personal information, you can give them some freebies or give away gifts like free download or a free e-book or any simple token that you think is going to be well-appreciated. The giving away of these free gifts make some positive impact especially to new subscriptions.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

The Importance Of In-Bound Links To Your Website For Beginners!

A simple explanation aimed at beginners regarding the importance of In-bound links to your website for the purpose of assisting the website in search engine rankings, provided by a UK Internet Marketing Guru. This guide shows quite simply how & why a LINK works for your website.

A common complaint I hear from businesses is that their website does not appear in the first page of search engine results for the most basic but vital phrase such as "Dentist Manchester".

To a large degree your success in search engine results will depend on your inbound linking strategy.

Before you glaze over let me explain.

You have probably seen links in the pages of a web site. Links can take you to another page in the same web site or to a totally different web site. Links are the "blue bits" on a web page and usually look like this:

If you could click on the link above it would count as an inbound link for DBS.

Search engines know that it takes human effort to place a link on a website and so they see links as a vote of popularity. Someone actually has to take the time to put a special piece of code on a site so that when you click a link you are whooshed to another site. In very broad terms the more links you have the more popular you're perceived by search engines.

Search engines all have "spiders" (sometimes called "robots") whose job it is to crawl the web going from site to site to read or "index" every page they come across. That way when you ask a search engine a question it knows where to get the answer from.

The way spiders get from one site to another is via links. If you have no links into your site then search engines will find it very hard to know your site exists. How would they get to your site if you had no links? It would be like building a town with no roads to it. That's one good reason for developing inbound links.

Another good reason to develop inbound links is that they can be used to tell the search engines what your site is all about. If the clickable text in our link example above were to read:

DBS Internet Marketing Consultant

then the search engine would have a good idea what the DBS site is all about. Now multiply that by tens and hundreds of links with the clickable text all mentioning "Marketing Consultant", "Internet Marketing", "Internet Marketing Consultant". The search engine would be in no doubt of which site to bring up in its results if someone were to search for "Internet Marketing Consultant".

That is the power of inbound linking explained in the simplest and most general terms.

This article is free to republish provided this resource box remains intact.

This article was written by David Clarke - a partner of DBS. David is an Internet Marketing Consultant. Visit his website at for more information regarding SEO, websites, telecoms - 0800 & printed advertising.

Marketing and the Hired Guerrilla

Its a jungle out there, so know and use your guerrilla marketing tactics! Jay Conrad Levinson wrote the book that started it all, the popular guerrilla marketing series. He has compiled a list of 100 tactics most of them fr*ee that savvy business leaders use.

One increasingly popular and profitable tactic on Levinsons list is the informative article. Articles are not ads. Articles are written to inform, to educate, and to help people solve problems. Articles you publish, online or off, can help you achieve several worthwhile marketing goals.


It is well accepted that consumer confidence is the number one factor affecting purchasing decisions. A potential client who does not trust you will not call you to place an order. He will not access your website and click to purchase. He will not talk to your sales rep.

Through articles you write, you can gain consumer confidence by demonstrating to readers that you understand their needs and that you have the knowledge and ability to deliver what they want.

You feel their pain and can meet their needs, competently and efficiently.

When you communicate this in articles you write, you establish your credibility.

Now when customers need services you provide, they have the confidence to click through to your website, to pick up the phone, or to walk into your store.


If you run a business, you are an expert.

You can demonstrate your expertise by sharing your knowledge, experience, and insights with potential clients through your articles. By doing so, you position yourself as the expert.

Now as the credible expert you are the one to go to when its time to make a purchase.


Ads are good for grabbing attention, but well written articles can be much more effective since articles, as mentioned, establish your credibility and your expertise.


Articles can be published in traditional print media, including newspapers and trade magazines, or be widely published and read online in opt-in ezines or newsletters like the ones you read. Or, better yet, the ones your clients read.

Since your articles can provide interesting content for their publications, many ezine and print editors will want to publish them at no cost to you. More effective, less expensive - just what every guerrilla needs.


You can learn how to easily publish articles you write and begin to reach a wide audience quickly, especially when you publish electronically. Your helpful articles motivate readers to contact you. Your resource box or bio at the end tells them how to reach you and gives them the links to do so.

Several entrepreneurs who have published a number of articles have begun to get 100 new visitors to their websites each week. Those are targeted visitors. Visitors who chose to click through to their site for a reason - for more information, for a gift offer, or to make a purchase.

With your effectively designed web site, you can convert your new visitors into new clients. You should provide some motivation for people to leave you their contact information. Perhaps they could request one of your fr*ee offers. That could be an ebook or simply another article or special report you have prepared.

Or ask them a question theyll want to respond to. Since you want to understand your customers needs anyway ask, What are your biggest challenges/obstacles/complaints with marketing, writing, investing, or whatever your field of expertise. Better yet, give them a gift for answering the question.


All effective marketing plans must be implemented and must be ongoing. In other words, youve got to start and stick with it. Levinson, the original guerrilla marketer, says this is an area where many businesses drop the ball. They quit working their plan. He says all marketing works, youve just got to give it enough time.


Work into your calendar a time slot for writing an article at least once a month. You should expect to spend 4 to 8 hours writing and submitting a 400 to 1000 word article.

This may seem like a large commitment, but the return on your time investment could be dozens or even hundreds of targeted new contacts each week.

You can learn more about preparing and submitting articles from several websites by searching online for article writing. Opening Doors with Your Articles (at is a helpful ebook written by Charlie Cook explaining the process from writing to formatting to submitting articles.

By searching online for article announce, you can find several sites that make articles you post available to ezine and website editors who are seeking content for their publications.

Yahoo has half a dozen sites used by hundreds of editors and writers. You might begin with


If you feel you need to improve your writing skills, you can read books, subscribe to email courses, or study writers websites.

On the other hand, you need to determine the best use of your time. If writing articles takes energy away from doing what you do best, then maybe you should...


Smart marketers dont reject an outstanding marketing tactic just because its inconvenient, uncomfortable, or outside their realm of expertise. They find a way to get the job done.

Levinson finds that most business owners are aware of only 5 to 10 of his guerrilla marketing tactics and possibly only use 3 of them. But he says guerrillas are aware of all 100 tactics and use about 40 of them.

You can read Levinsons 100 tactics at Over half of these tactics cost nothing, but others are outsourced.

Just like many business owners outsource their website design, their advertising campaigns, or the manufacture of their signs, you can outsource your article writing needs. A search for freelance writer or copywriter turns up links to individuals or to services that connect buyers to writers.

Promote your business like a guerrilla. Theres always more than one way to get a job done. In fact, Levinson tells us that there are at least 100 ways.

Publishing articles in ezines or in print is one tactic that needs to be in your arsenal. So consistently write and publish your articles or hire your own guerrilla and get the job done!


PERMISSIONS TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in its entirety free of charge, electronically or in print, provided it appears with the included copyright and authors resource box with live website link. The only changes allowed are to the summary, and you may substitute your affiliate links for mine. Notification by email to of intent to publish is appreciated but not required.

None of the links in this article are submitted as affiliate links, though the ebook author does offer affiliate links.

About The Author

Claire-Jean Korzenewski writes effective content that works hard for you - to improve profits, to enhance your image, to inform, to educate. She is the owner of Best Expressions Writing & Desktop Services at Email her at

Article Marketing for Real Writers: Launch Your Freelance Career!

Looking to build your freelance writing career but don't know where to begin? Maybe I can help.

Let's start with a perspective on web exposure and your business. You know you're a wonderful writer. You know you can provide flawless copy for any number of industries!

But does anyone else on the World Wide Web know?

Let's talk about page rank. If you have a website, how many visitors do you get per day? Have you ever typed your web link into the Page Rank calculator? If so, what came up? Was it 9,547,893, or something equally upsetting?

As you may know, the higher your page rank number, the LESS visitors you're receiving.

Example: Alexa pagerank of 1 is usually either Google, Hotmail or Yahoo (this vascillates daily). That means that these three websites alternately swap the title of Most Visited Website in the World. Think you can get your website up there, or even close?

Umm... no.

FACT: Not many writers with websites are getting much in the way of web visitors. Most are getting buried by the big dogs, or lost in Blogger land.

Recently, I tripped over a solution to significantly raise the amount of visitors to my site. Then after I tripped over it, it took me four entire months to fully grasp the concept.

Article Marketing can seriously improve your website rank, put your name out there in Internet Guru Land, and lure customers your way with scintillating copy that you include in your article!

For those who remain in the dark, article marketing is like exalted link distribution. It's a way to pass your link on to thousands of websites - but in this case, you're not just another anonymous link. Attached to your link will be a free sample of your work, and a way to contact you directly.

The Article M.O.: Write an article, attach your website link and a short bio, and then submit to an article distribution website. Publishers will then come along and add your work to their website content. Interested readers will click it, and then they're back on YOUR website, learning about You and What You Do.

Articles can MAKE YOU FAMOUS in your niche! How do you think the Adam Urbanskis, Ali Browns, Michel Fortins and Yanik Silvers of the web got where they are today?

The thing is: even if some of us writers have great-looking websites, they're ranking pretty low on the search engines. And if you don't even HAVE a website... well, you're nearly invisible.

But now turn this over in your mind: As a group, we could actively and significantly improve the situation.

The jist of it is: the more hits you get to ONE WEBSITE, the more each person's name gets out there to the right people and that means MORE PAID CONTRACTED JOBS.

So: if I have one website that features a tech writer, a psychology writer, a marketing writer, a children's writer, a novelist, etc...

And each of those writers is doing their part, writing articles to get exposure for their original work... That means that the hits will all come to the same place, the search engine rank will rocket skyward, and the contract work WILL FOLLOW.

I've been doing a ton of research on this web marketing thing for over 2 years now. I'm more than thrilled to offer web marketing guidance to the writing community; gentle, misunderstood souls that we are. But it won't be easy. If you want to make it happen, you have to work your hiney off, like I do. But once we catch fire... whew! Well, then we will be a force to be reckoned with!

Please join me in my quest for success. :) Please visit to find out more about how article marketing can kick your freelance business into high gear!

Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

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