
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

If you are an article writer, you may have been submitting your articles to ezines in order to get your name out there. Ezines are wonderful in that they give the unpublished author the opportunity to market their name without the expense of advertising. At some point you may wonder if you can be compensated for your work. The answer: yes, you can. Through implementing wise marketing strategies, you can earn money for your work and receive steady income. Here's how:

Your Website If you don't already have your very own website, set one up and feature some of your favorite articles. You'll create an extra set of links to articles you already submitted to the ezines. Make sure you have a contact form in place to allow interested parties a way to get in touch with you.

Blogging A great alternative to a website are blogs. If you don't have the time or money to manage a website, you can create a blog and have links to your articles appear there.

Message Boards/Forums If you run a well respected and busy forum, consider letting your members know that you write articles as well. If you don't run a forum, but you are a moderator, ask the forum administrator for the opportunity to promote yourself in exchange for your work.

Craig's List This site is the king of all sites. You can post your resume, your small business ad, look for work, join a club, etc. In most cases no fees are ever charged and it can be a great way for you to network. At the very least, any link you place in your "ad" will quickly gain you a good link with the search engines. One caveat: most ads run from between 10 and 45 days, so you will need to manage your ads in order to remain marketable.

Paid Sites If you are serious about making some income on your articles, consider investing in yourself and joining a paid site. Many will allow you to have either a free trial period or a basic membership. To receive the full benefit of the site, you will need to upgrade. is one such site for you to consider.

Trade Associations If you write on a specialized topic, such as railroads, contact your local trade association and see if they are in need of a staff writer. Many associations will give to you a small stipend. If not, see if you can get a free membership or some other type of discounted service for your work. Cash is cool, but free services are nice too!

Email Lists In this day of overreaching spamming, getting an email list together of people who will actually read your emails can be difficult. Instead, join a list-serv and discretely share your talents with members there.

Article writing for profit can take time and it will usually require a lot of legwork on your part before you get established. Still, it can lead to bigger and more profitable ventures for you as long as you stick with it. If you are good at it, it may allow you to quit your "day job" to pursue what you really want to do. What can be better than that?

Matt Keegan is The Article Writer who writes for fun as well as for profit. You can see samples of some of his work at

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

The way to increase more traffic to your website and build more revenue would be to increase website traffic. If you increase website traffic you can make money money. There is a few ways that you can do this and one way to do this would be to build backlinks to your site so you can establish a higher rank in the search engines.

One way that you can do this would be to write articles. Article marketing is huge and this method will never be saturated and to tell you the truth there is not a whole lot of people that really do this on a consistent basis.

When you are looking to start article marketing and you first start out writing articles you need to be sure that you are writing at least, and I say at least 3-5 articles. This is will be about 70-90 articles a month and this will bring in a huge amount of traffic and allow you do build a solid prospect list. Now, if you keep doing this you will have a large strong prospective list that you can sell to over and over again.

You can sell affiliate products your products, memberships and more.'

But the main thing you need to work on would be building web site traffic, and the best way to increase website traffic would be to article market.

Article marketing is very, very powerful and if done right this will allow you to make cash time and time again.

Please see my resource box for more information

Hi, you can access free ways to increase website traffic here at

Thank you

Online marketing starts with your website

Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure it???s attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

What is the reason youre writing the article? The point is to get visitors and traffic to your website. The only place you can provide a pathway to your website is within your articles resource box. So you need to write one that will get a click.

One way to do that is to give the reader a reason to click. Maybe you just wrote a Pulitzer prize winning article on stock car racing, but you need more than a URL in the resource box to get them to continue to your website. Readers need a reason so give them one. Tease them with additional articles or tools, such as For 10 Things You Must Know About

You can offer visitors free gifts. That word free is still an attention grabber so offer a free link, free report, newsletter or list of something.

It does not matter to the reader how great and wonderful you are so dont brag about your accomplishments. Just keep your comments about yourself to a minimum with a hook. Something like Jim Doe won 2006 Realtor of the Year. Learn how he did it at.

Use the resource box to link to a useful piece of information or resource on your site. It does not have to go to the front page. If you land the reader in a place where can find what they are looking for and search around from there they tend to stay longer. Link to what is most relevant to the topic the reader expects to find.

Linking to pages within your website also allows you to optimize the pages with the links. The anchor text should relate to the contents of the landing page. This will help in ranking your website for various terms within your niche.

For example if you have a website dealing with sports fishing and a page devoted to bass. By linking with a bass fishing anchor text to an interior page of your site that deals with bass fishing, it will help the search engines to recognize the various topics your website covers. Plus improve search engine results for those broadened terms. Directory submissions also assist in targeting keyword traffic.

Understand that articles will only bring you traffic if you provoke an interest in the reader to click. The links will help improve search engine results to get you noticed for those keywords and topics. So keep both of these factors in mind when writing your own resource box.

There are several additional on topic articles published at the Authority Web Directory. Visit today and while you are there you can submit your websites listing at Authority Directory Submissions.

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

This article aims to provide you with 6 creative methods that have helped me maximized the benefits I was getting from my article marketing campaign. These are:

1. Use compelling titles. Too often, article writers are focusing their efforts in making each article unique, useful, and interesting that they forget that if their title is lousy, all their efforts will go down the drain. Never underestimate the power of compelling titles in making your article marketing a success. Make it a point that your titles are intriguing, keyword-rich, well-written, and communicate the benefits it can offer your readers.

2. Know how and where to use keywords on your articles. Optimizing your articles means knowing how to use relevant keywords, where to put them, and how much keywords you will use on each of your articles.

3. Pay attention to the quality of your articles. Your articles must we well-written and timely. They must appear like they were written by a professional writer so your readers will consider you as an expert on your field.

4. Make use of a killer resource box. Consider your resource box as your teaser in enticing your readers to visit your site. Make sure that your resource box is compelling and well-written.

5. Cross reference your articles. If you want to maximize the exposure of your articles in the World Wide Web, learn how to cross reference them by using anchor texts. Just make sure that your articles are relevant to each other and online users can use them for further reading.

6. Write consistently. Article marketing, just like any other traffic-generating tool may take sometime before it can increase the traffic on your site. Be patient and write as many articles as you can and you'll surely see the difference in a month or two.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

The day of buying and selling links is well over. As google, yahoo and msn have become very accurate in spotting and ranking sites badly who do this. So no webmasters are engaging in the practice. But another very important reason is the existence of do follow blog lists. Meaning if you leave a detailed response on a blog and they install do follow, it will count the same as any back link and help you rank well in search engines.

As you can imagine webmasters are trying to get there hands on these new do follow blog link lists like there is no tomorrow. But the good thing is blog lists like Courtney Tuttle's and Nic Cursor's have about 1000 do follow blogs listed on it. Which makes it great and easy to use. And one thing is for sure if you complete the thousand on a specific keyword, its highly likely you will be on the front page for it even across the major search engines in a highly competitive and popular keyword.

But you have to be professional in the way you conduct your self. Do not go leaving spammy comments, because the blog owner is not going to approve it and a lot of bloggers will be annoyed with you. Simply read a post by the blogger, the entire post and leave a detailed and lengthy comment, which will most likely be approved. The bloggers are allowing people to do this so we should respect it and contribute to the blog with solid responses.

Visit Free SEO Advice - Secrets On How To Rank Number 1 On Major Search Engines!

This is a must see for all SEO specialists. Visit Free SEO Advice - Techniques and Strategies for success!

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

As soon as you get into search engine optimization, you'll start hearing new phrases like keyword research. You're probably wondering what keyword research is and why is it critical?

Keyword research is a beautiful thing. Why? It is a glimpse into the minds of your potential customers and clients. What if you could gain access to a database of information on how your prospects thought about the products you are offering? What if you could identify the exact words they used in their minds? Couldn't you tailor your site and marketing to really take of advantage of that information? On the web, you can with keyword research.

There are large databases on the web that collect the search habits of people using search engines. Before you start screaming about privacy, the only thing being tracked is general search queries, not who is making them. At least not by name, but that is another subject that Google will have to answer to. But I digress.

With keyword research, you can access these databases and see the exact phrases people are using when they search for information in your business area. Let's say I sell books on dog training. I can search for all searches done by people that include the phrase "dog training" in them. The databases will then kick out all the phrases.

Depending on the systems, the phrases may include information such as the number of times a day, week or month the phrase was used in a search. The systems might also tell you how many other websites are trying to get ranked under each keyword phrase. For all intensive purposes, we are talking about a gold mine of information! The first step in any SEO campaign is to do keyword research and then embed them in your site as you can read here.

Aazdak Alisimo writes about search engine optimization for

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Are you just starting in online business and wonder if everything you heard about article marketing is true? If you are wondering if article marketing can make you generate huge revenue, the answer is undoubtedly, yes. Thousands, if not millions of web owners have discovered the way to millions and you need not to be a rocket scientist to learn this. Indeed, you can really make money in article marketing. How? Read on.

1. Article marketing is the most cost effective Internet marketing strategies these days. You don't need a capital or huge investment to start writing and submitting your articles to ezine sites. Yet, you can create quality links to your site to generate traffic. Huge traffic equates to huge money.

2. Article marketing drives quality traffic to your site. When it diverts enough traffic, you can use this to sell products or build mailing list of your prospective customers and earn using email marketing.

3. Article marketing can create a domino effect on your web site and on your sales. It drives traffic which is the most basic element in making money over the Internet. Once your web site becomes popular, you can sell web space to advertisers, charge other web owners when they link their sites to you, etc. The possibilities are endless!

As more and more people get rich through article marketing, it is not a bad idea to join the bandwagon. Start now and earn unlimited income.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Many people who are interested in article writing success do not consider themselves particularly capable as writers themselves. If you are such a person, you may be interested in finding a ghost writer who can assist you in the creation of copy to further your own article marketing efforts. There are five tips that you should keep in mind when looking for a capable ghost writer to assist you in achieving your goals.

1. Experience matters. Always look for a ghost writer that has experience in the field.

2. Get recommendations. You should get references and recommendations from a ghost writer before you settle on selecting that person to assist you. A capable ghost writer will be more than happy to provide you with references.

3. Check out the portfolio. Just as a capable ghost writer will be willing to provide you with references, a solid and professional ghost writer will be more very willing to provide you with samples of his or her prior work. You absolutely must see what the writer has done in the past before you select that individual to assist you with article marketing.

4. Deadlines. You need to make certain that any ghost writer you select actually has the time to devote to your project. The fact is that quality ghost writers are few and far between and these individuals can be overbooked.

5. Communication: You need to make certain that you pick a ghost writer that is comfortable with communicating with you regularly. You will want to select a ghost writer that will keep you up to date on the progress if your project

Want to learn how I do it? Download my free guide here: Article Marketing Secrets

Mike Upshaw is an experienced internet marketer specializing in list building, traffic generation, article marketing and affiliate marketing.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Online business has become the main source of income for many people. As such, if you want to enjoy this business, you need to realize the importance of having other people promote your web site. If you only have links within your site that point to nothing else but pages within your web site, then your links are not working as designed. While it is true that you need these links to point to other pages on your site, you still need more links. These links that you need should be coming from other web sites.

It is better if you can get links from sites that have established good traffic. As they say, sometimes you need to nudge shoulders with the powerful so that you would also become powerful. Make sure to get links to and from these well known web sites.

There are so many methods on how you can create links to your site. Here are some:

1. Leave comments on blogs or other sites that have the same interest as yours. Be sure to leave sensible comments.

2. Join forums. Be sure to share your smart opinions on these forums. Of course, you need to add your URL as your signature so that people can get to view your web site.

3. Submit your URL on other social bookmarking sites. This is one way of advertising your web site for free.

So in these manners, you are then building more links to your site so that there would be a lot of doorways to your web site in the Internet. But without you knowing it, while doing these strategies, you are already building online ties. These ties are important when doing online businesses. You need links that will bring forth more ties to your customers as well as other companies who will help you promote your web site.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to link popularity success, 'Secrets of Link Popularity for Online Income'

Download it free here: Link Popularity

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

There are a lot of services and tools available out there when it comes to article marketing.

Article marketing is something done by a lot of people. As people become more proficient in article marketing, they tend to pass that knowledge onto others. The means that they use in order to pass that knowledge along can be different.

Some of these differences are reflected in the services and tools that are available online. Most of the article marketing services and tools, whether you are talking about search engine marketing, SEO or something else, can be divided into a number of different categories. The main ones are discussed below.

Submission Tool: Submission tools are arguably the first article marketing tools to appear online. These are tools that can do one of two things. They can either help you send one article to a number of different article websites, or they can help you send permutations of your article to the same website.

Either way, you are getting multiple back links to your website for the price of one written article and ultimately that is going to be good for SEO efforts you might have going. One of the main purposes of article marketing is to augment search engine marketing strategies through SEO and submission tools can help greatly in the accomplishment of that purpose.

Originality Checker: The originality checker is a lot more recent than the submission tool for articles. However, more people will use the originality checker in their daily article marketing.

This is because the originality checker allows people to discover whether their article is original content, or whether it is going to be seen as being plagiarized. Websites that have content that Google considers plagiarized will be banished to Google supplemental results and ultimately that will mean bad things for your SEO efforts.

Search engine marketing relies on original content and originality checkers allow you to make sure that your content is original. Two good examples of originality checkers online are Copyscape and Article Checker; the latter is completely free.

Submission Strategist: A submission strategist is not a tool, but rather a service.

You have doubtless already come across websites professing to have the best article marketing services around. These websites essentially have staff on them that have a lot of experience in article marketing. This experience allows them to know what articles should be submitted where.

This experience can mean great things for your search engine marketing efforts because submitting the right articles to the right places can really increase your SEO.

Part of SEO is efficiency, not just quantity and therefore a submission strategist might be a good idea if you have the money to spare.

Writer: Of course, some people want to do article marketing but are prevented from it because they are not capable of writing.

Therefore, a writer might be a very good article marketing service for you to hire, because they can make article marketing possible. A writer will be able to write good and original content. A writer will be able to write content that is rich with keywords. A writer will be able to write content that the search engines will eat up.

Then, all you have to do is take the writer's content and post it to the article websites and you will have a very good article marketing campaign going.

These are some of the main tools and services available out there for people interested in article marketing. If you are truly interested in article marketing, you will want to look at one or all of these services at some point.

While you might be a good writer, chances are you are not a good article marketer and even if you are you are going to need to want to have original articles. You will also want to have smart submissions and cut down on your own work. These tools and services help you accomplish everything you need to in order to be a good article marketer.

I have worked together with some big online companies and have learned a lot about Internet Marketing and online business. Now I will tell you on my web site at the best way you can create a online business with less money and time.

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

One of the big debates when you start your home internet business is whether you should learn how to do SEO for your site yourself or hire a professional. There are advantages and disadvantages to both methods. In this article I would like to compare both situations.

If you are just starting out there probably is a very big chance that you do not have that much money to invest. Usually a professional company will charge in the region of at least $2000 a month. If you do not have this money to spend then your budget will force you to do this yourself. However, if you are starting with a fairly large budget and you have a very good idea with a lot of your own products to sell then this may be a good idea. Just make sure that you choose a reputable company. It will save you a lot of time if you do not have to do this yourself.

One of the big advantages of learning this is that you can build as many websites as you like without having to pay extra for additional optimization charges. Basically, you can build your own virtual real estate online. Look for profitable niche markets and then create your web site yourself. You can use a combination of affiliate links, Google Adsense advertising or create your own products.

However, one of the disadvantages is that you need to keep pace of the developments in the industry. What works today may not work in the future. This will require a massive investment of your time and interest. You can follow white hat strategies which will ensure your long term success like building a quality web site that people will want to link to. However, if you hit a problem like say for example you have a dynamic web site using a scripting language and all of the sudden your site gets dropped from the search engines you will be alone and struggle to get your rankings back if you do not know what to do.

I have briefly looked at the two paths that you can follow, however your decision will most likely be made by how much time and capital that you have to invest in your business.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

If you are trying to promote your website or product through article marketing then you really need to produce lots of articles everyday. In order to get good results you may need to at least produce 10 or more articles everyday.

To do this you need to learn to write an article quickly, not taking more than 10-15 minutes. I will show you a simple technique on how to write an online article within this time frame.

First of all decide on a topic you want to write about. Then note down the important points you wish to cover in your article.

If you have good knowledge about the topic then you can start writing immediately as a lot of ideas might be flowing in your mind on what to write about.

If you are struggling to get sufficient number of ideas then follow this simple procedure - go to the popular article directories like ezinearticle or articledashboard and read 1-3 articles related to your topic. Then you can get enough ideas.

I am not saying that you should copy the other's articles, but rather just go through them to get a few ideas of your own.

Now is the time for action. After you have good number of point written down, look at the clock. Set 10-15 minutes maximum for writing a full article covering all the points you have listed. Start firing away.

The key to success with this method is that you should not think much while writing as this may slow down the process. Just write whatever you can about the listed points.

Do not worry much about spelling, grammar and other mistakes right now. The editing part can come later after your 15 minutes are up. Use this time just for writing.

You should have all your points covered nicely within 15 minutes. Now is the time to fine tune your article making necessary changes etc.

The above technique can be a real time saver if you want to write a lot of articles quickly. Just set aside a time frame and do not think or edit much in that time - it is only for writing and covering the points you have listed earlier.

Then you can submit your article to the top article directories. I maintain a notepad that has a list of article directories along with their pageranks and alexa traffic ranking. Then I can submit them to the top directories. This software can make your article submission work easier by automating it - article submission software

It is better if you make some changes to each article while submitting to different directories. No need to write the whole article again from scratch for each site, just make a few changes as Google seems to be getting very strict with duplicate content right now.

You do not need to try and write outstanding articles, they can just be good enough covering the topic well and being of some value to the readers.

When you learn to write an article quickly using the above procedure, it should not be difficult to write 10, 20 or even more good quality articles each day. Then you can reduce time and efforts of submission by using the above mentioned software.

Article marketing can really work for you if you write lots of them on a consistent basis.

Learn how to get top rankings in Google. Download Free Ebook - Google number one ranking

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