
Sunday, June 15, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article writing is currently one of the most lucrative jobs in the internet today. Hundreds of employees have opted to leave their day jobs and concentrate on providing webmasters and other ebusiness owners with content in exchange of great pay.

If you have the knack for writing and want to earn passive income, these 4 brand new ways to make money through article writing are definitely for you:

1. Sell you articles. There are thousands of websites needing content every single day. Write articles about hot topics such as health, travel, internet marketing, online gambling, etc. and offer your articles to webmasters who do not have the time to write articles for their websites. Depending on the length, quality, and topic, you can be paid $5-$12 per article.

2. Create a powerful online portfolio. Showcase your writing prowess by writing great articles and submit them to various publishing sites or post them on your own blog. These can be used by your prospective clients as reference if they want to see your writing style. You will appear more professional and credible if your articles are accepted by different publishers.

3. Be an article marketer. Article marketing is currently one of the best traffic-generating tools these days and almost all webmasters are seeking help so they can utilize this method in order to augment their website traffic. Offer your writing services and submit your articles to publishing sites for additional pay.

4. Be professional. Once you have booked a lot of projects, make sure that you deliver quality articles on time. When webmasters feel that they can depend on you, they will most likely recommend you to their fellow webmasters. That would mean more writing jobs for you.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

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If you do any type of article marketing, you may heard of article submission services that promise to blast your article out to 10,000-50,000 publishers. Of course, many of the publishers are not really legitimate publishers, and hardly any receive any traffic. Most of these article submission services are pretty costly to use, so it might not really justify for the payoff.

In fact, only a few hundred article directories on the web receive any significant amount of traffic. Thus, youll not really be getting the best bang for your buck, or return on investment. Youd be better off spending the money on Pay Per Click campaigns.

Another problem that exists is that your email inbox will often be flooded with announcements of new articles being submitted. In effect, you end up being one of the tens of thousands of publishers that articles are being blasted to. You could easily receive hundreds of emails a day and your inbox will be continuously full.

The only one advantage of using some article submission service is that youll build tons of backlinks from your articles posted to the legitimate sites, which are very useful for search engine optimization purposes. However, it has been well documented that adding hundreds of backlinks at a single go may raise alarm bells at the search engines. Their spiders will get suspicious over how you went from creating zero backlinks the day before, to having a sudden boost of hundreds of backlinks. As a result, your search engine ranking could actually suffer!

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Do You Detest Sales?

If you desire a better lifestyle, are willing to put in the time to educate yourself and put up with the challenges of building a business, the rewards are plentiful.

No one company is the answer to everyone's dream. But the right company is out there waiting to greet you with that perfect fit. It is up to you to search it out.

When recruiting I insist on telling the truth about the parameters of our network marketing business. It is work, and it is hard work. I don't fudge on the facts in order to sign someone on. I don't lie and I don't sugar coat it. I don't need the prospect's business that badly. The end result is I sleep well at night knowing I am doing the right thing.

Yeah, sometimes when the debts are raising their ugly head and funds are tight, the opportunity presents itself to, as one up-line puts it, "Just close, sign them up and see if they'll stick." But that is doing the client a disservice as well as myself when the charge-backs attack. As I look at my account the charge-backs are not prevalent.

Our industry is about selling and that is an unmistakable truth. That's what we do. But that is not all we are about. We market Hope and Opportunity. This is a way for the average person, with above average ambition, to achieve massive success. But remember, this business is not for everyone. Another untruth is, "anyone can do this."

While 97% of Network Marketers Fail, Opportunity Knocks!

There is a consistent 97% failure rate in the network marketing industry. To be fair that 97% rate applies to other industries as well, but this article is not about those industries.

If you are not relentless in your quest to change your life, this may not be the business model for you. You may not have the tenacity to hang in there when the going gets rough, and it will.

Besides, contrary to what the 'top recruiter' wants you to believe, maybe your life doesn't need changing. Maybe you are content to use his product and have no desire to own your own business and that's ok. Don't get caught-up in the hype and talked into anything. After all, your life is your 'business'.

Back to the 97%.

That was my challenge. It did not sit well with me that out of every 100 people we brought into the business, 97 were destined to fail. It felt like we, as an industry, were lying to them. I knew there had to be a better way and began researching for solutions. I found the theory that works for me.

Could There Be A 'New Sheriff In Town'... A New Way Of Thinking?

Since you are still reading at this point, I applaud your open-minded disposition and your quest for knowledge. If this article has peaked your interest and you want more information about how to become successful in taking your same networking business online, using our system, download the well written, free ebook at my website It will eliminate several misconceptions and probably raise more questions in your mind.

For information on how we help you take your business online and to the next level without trying to recruit you away from your company, contact me anytime at:

Remember, this e-book is just a first step in clearing the cobwebs of misinformation that you have been subjected to over time. We expect a number of people will read the free e-book and move on, but that's a good thing. Something was learned. The education was free. No harm, no foul.

If you want to jump ahead to step three of the system we've set up, to see one of the more advanced steps, check out the link in my resource box. You're about to learn methods most marketers will never know, and all it takes is a click of the mouse. How easy is that?

I hope this information helps you make a decision concerning your future in Network Marketing. We wish you all the best.

Thanks again for reading.

CK Dillon is an Online Network Marketer. He loves to help people win the network marketing game and beat back the myths that keep them from success. It is a battle that can be won, one person at a time. Click on the link below and find out out more about how to ease your mind and learn how to become successful at what you already love without bugging your family and friends.

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Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing continues to impress more and more webmasters online. Imagine, getting your desired traffic by just writing and submitting your articles without the need to learn complicated programming languages and HTML codes. This is the reason why it remains to be the most popular product and website promotional tool online. It's not only hassle-free, it's also cost-effective.

Here are the 5 brand new steps to grow your article marketing:

1. Kick-start your articles by giving them powerful headlines. Make them sound like they are the most important pieces of information in the internet and that online users cannot afford to miss them. Be bold and be creative so you can entice more online users to open and read your articles.

2. Make your articles easy to understand. Avoid using big words and never-ending sentences. Stick with simple writing formats and use words that are familiar with your target market so you can easily get your message across without creating unnecessary confusion.

3. Write more. 10-20 articles will not guarantee you success in article marketing. In order to generate more quality inbound links for your website, you must be willing to multiply the number of your articles.

4. Go for electronic submission. There are various software that can help you automatically submit your articles to leading publishing sites. Take advantage of this to save time which you can use in augmenting the number of your articles.

5. Create a powerful resource box. It must be impressive and compelling so you can attract more online users to click on your website's URL. Keep it short and direct to the point. Include your name, your expertise, the problem you solve, and your website's URL. You can also make use of anchor texts to increase your clickthrough rate.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

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Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Herbalife was founded by Mark Hughes back in 1980. Two years later, Herbalife had gone international. By 1996, Herbalife had reached $1 Billion in annual sales, and continues to grow today. With over 3,500 employees, and over 240,000 qualified distributors worldwide, you can say that Herbalife is a legit company.

Herbalife is well-known for their health and wellness products, such as nutritional supplements and weight management products. However, Mark Hughes wanted a specific product, which would not adversely affect your health, but help reduce your weight. Main products of Herbalife are Formula #1, which is a meal replacement, consisting of a rich protein drink. Another product, Formula #2, is an herbal tablet. And Formula #3, is a mineral or multivitamin. Thermojetics is a system of controlling your weight by consuming herbal tablets. Initially, Herbalife marketed its products as Herbalife's Slim and Trim Program, but now it is Herbalife Cellular Nutrition Health and Weight Management System.

Things took a negative turn, however. The FDA sent a notice against Herbalife for product mis-branding. The FDA claims that most Herbalife products are effective for treating tumors, diseases, increasing circulation and mental alertness, but NOT reduction in weight. Also, the FDA received many complaints against the Herbalife products due to numerous side effects such as diarrhea, constipation, nausea, headache, lightheadedness, and palpitations. On examining the Herbalife products, the FDA found potent laxatives and high caffeine content in them.

Such negative publicity brought a sharp fall in sales and income figures for Herbalife. However, the company survived because of its foreign sales. Herbalife turned back around, and is now a publicly traded company.

Even though Herbalife had some downfalls, I would not say that it's a scam. As with any business, you are going to run into problems along the way. It's just deciding on which business you want your name associated with.

Hillary Patz is an internet marketing guru with a desire to help people find success through BTTW. To learn more about Hillary Patz and her team of Marketing Mentors Click Here

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