
Friday, June 27, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

So by now you have come to the realization how important your list is. You understand the importance of first building a relationship with your subscribers so that you can sell to them later on and significantly improve your conversion rate.

Now let us look at the process of getting visitors to your website. You first need a compelling title. If it is boring then it is unlikely that people will actually read your article.

Subsequently I suggest that you write a 250 to 350 word article. The shorter articles do better for lead generation because the reader will see your resource box with a link to your website at the end and there is a bigger chance that they will click on it. I also suggest that you write in a relaxed conversational style like you are talking to a friend. You would only write in a long formal style if you were doing an essay for academic purposes.

Now this is where the important part where actual lead generation will take place. You need to create a squeeze page. This will consist of a headline with some bullet points. You need to offer a free report for download as an incentive for a visitor to give you their email address in exchange for a valuable report. You need to also add some html code to your web page to include the code that will submit the form with the email details to an autoresponder. I suggest that you use a professional one like Getresponse.

Finally, if you generate 5 to 10 leads every day you will build a stable business.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Online marketing comes easy for some, not so easy for others. The marketing strategies you use in your online business will make all the difference in whether you fail or succeed! Isn't it time you learned the right methods to start pulling big profits in your business?

There are many aspects to being successful in online marketing. Do you write good articles? Article marketing is one of the most effective methods you can use to promote your business, and build hundreds of links back to your site. Great for business, and the search engines love it too! Writing articles will help raise your page rank with the search engines.

Perhaps the most crucial online marketing strategy is email marketing. In order to use this method, you need to have an opt-in list of prospective customers and email addresses. To achieve this, advertise a free newsletter, free reports or ebooks on your site, and have a form for your readers to sign up with.

Having a survey form on your site is also very effective in building your list. Ask your readers what subject they have the most trouble with, what kind of information they are interested in. Then give them the solutions! Your expert opinion, great product or information will greatly enhance their trust in you, and they will want to do business with you because of your knowledge and interest in their wants and needs!

Blogging has become another great form of online marketing. Search engines love blogs because of their frequently updated content, and posting interesting and informative information on your blog will greatly enhance your business. Be sure to link to your site and products from your blog occasionally.

Your sales copy can GREATLY increase your sales and profits, or if done incorrectly can KILL your business. Sales copy must be attention-grabbing, provocative and hypnotic - write so that your readers cannot stop reading! Build gradually into talking about your product or service, what it will do for them, and why they can't live without it. This will increase your sales dramatically.

These are a few of the marketing strategies you MUST implement into your online business. They may seem a little difficult at first, but study other successful sites and practice, and it will get easier every day. With a little time, practice and dedication you will soon find yourself with an income generating business that is growing every day. This will happen for you, if you dedicate yourself to practicing the essential methods of online marketing!

Tess Tackett is the owner of Internet Marketing for Tightwads, where you will find hundreds of marketing strategies, tips, articles and ideas for ANY type of online business.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

When writing an article, always have your reader in mind. Look at your article with a critical eye and think how your reader would interpret it. Don't think of it as an article, think of it as a sales piece.

Before writing an article, write down your goals for the article. Do you merely want to provide information and let people know you are knowledgeable in the field? Do you want to generate web traffic or would you prefer it if readers click on your links? It is imperative that you develop a goal for each article you write.

1. If your goal is to entice the viewer to click on your links, make sure you give them enough information to pique their curiosity and offer them more detailed information by clicking the link in your Resource Box.

2. Make a list of the main features of the item or service you are promoting in your article. If you are writing about autoresponders, list the features of autoresponders. For each of these features, write how it would benefit the user. For example:
Feature - It can send out thousands of sales presentations simultaneously.
Benefit - Earn thousands of dollars at the push of a button.

3. Paint a picture with your benefits. Make an emotional appeal so the viewers can actually see themselves. In the example above you can change the benefit to: Earn thousands of dollars while you bask in the warm sunshine of a Caribbean beach sipping a cool drink.

4. Select two or three of your strongest features and benefits and write them into your article. Start with the items that would be most attractive to your reader. It is not necessary to go into great detail; you will do that after they click on your link.

5. Write an attention grabbing title that compels the viewer to read further. People tend to skim over the available titles when they are looking for information. Your article has to jump out at them. Your title is the most important part of your article. If you write a great article and give it a boring title, no one will read it. All of your hard work will have been for nothing.

Using these five techniques, you will substantially increase you success rate with articles. I'm sorry, but I've got to go now. You see the tide is coming in and the waves are approaching my beach chair. Anyway, I can use another drink. I'll see you on the beach!

Easily develop your own product!
Start your own affiliate program!

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Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

The title tag is the first thing many people will see when they look at your website or a search result for your site on a search engine page. A carefully chosen title tag will also boost your search engine ranking so it is essential that you get it right. Here is some advice on writing the perfect title tag.

The title tag on any web page is the text that appears between and in your HTML. The text you place between these two tags will appear in the title bar of the browser when a user browses your site and as the text for the link when your page shows up on a search engine results page.

It is recommended that you keep your title tag text to about 66 characters, although Yahoo displays 120 characters in search results. If you choose to go over the 66 character mark, try to keep the most relevant information at the start of your title tag text.

When writing your title tag you should concentrate primarily on two things. First you should include will researched keywords to boost your popularity among search engines. Second, you should write your title tag in a way that in encourages users to click through to your website.

Selecting the right keywords will take some research and is a subject that merits an article, or a series of articles, in itself. Read up on the subject and make use of some of the excellent free keyword research tools available online.

For the purpose of this article it is important to point out that your main keywords should be placed at the start of your title tag. Include more keywords if you can but do not sacrifice readability.

Each webpage of your site will be different, and so should your title tags. Write a different tag for each page that is relevant. The title should communicate the content of the page. Also remember that if a user bookmarks your page or adds it to favorites, the title tag will be used. So, the more descriptive the tag the better.

You can also experiment with using symbols in your title tag to help grab the attention of the reader. You will often see symbols such as brackets or asterisks on each side of the text. Use these if you wish, but involves sacrificing some characters.

Never, ever leave title tags blank or you miss out on a great SEO opportunity, and it looks unprofessional. Most web design software have a default 'untitled' text within the title tags, be sure to change this before your site goes live.

There is much more to SEO than good title tags, but it is an important step in boosting your search engine page rankings and does not take a lot of work.

For more information about starting a freelance business, visit

If Content Is King - Who Are The Princes Of SEO?

Here's a predication that I know will irritate the technically oriented Kings of SEO: Looking hard into my crystal ball, as one does, I reckon that their days are numbered and that they are a dying breed! Now before the techies swarm around LeadGenerators HQ with pitchforks and flaming torches ready to silence the web-marketing heathen, allow me to explain...

Those of you who know me are probably well aware of my healthy disregard for the techno-centric view of internet marketing. In my mind, instead of technical considerations dictating what we should try to achieve, we marketing managers should dictate what we want and then find the technical solutions to achieve it. I know that this attitude annoys the technocrats who seem to dominate the online marketing world, but my approach has proved successful in its own right.

I have always seen SEO as a two-stage process. The first is to make sure that a client's website is search engine friendly. This process analyses the structural elements of the site to make sure that search engines are able to see ALL the pages of the site and are able to rank (judge) each page in its own right. It's a lengthy analysis that covers many aspects of the site but it's largely a one-off project. Once done, and once the site has been improved accordingly, the techies' work is more or less done.

The larger, second step is all-important and all about the content of the site itself.

For a site to achieve good rankings, we need to first select the right keywords. I won't go into the science of keyword research and selection, but once the best ones have been selected for a client, we need to move into the realm of writing, sprinkling certain keywords strategically throughout the text and the code of each page. It's not just this keyword enhanced copy that requires excellent writing though - link building, press releases, social media - the common denominator for all of these is good writing and communication skills, combined with good old-fashioned common sense, which most technically minded people aren't best suited to provide. It is the writers and communicators - not the programmers - who have delivered our best results in the past and will continue to do so in the future.

There is a rather tacky expression in the SEO community that says "Content is King". I would like to get a little tackier if I may: If content is King, then the up and coming Princes of SEO must surely be the writers and communicators.

Just a thought ... and I look forward to comments.

Frank Orman is the Managing Director of Leadgenerators, an online travel marketing agency.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

In today's fast-paced, technology-driven world, online advertising is a a medium of promotion that uses the Internet in delivering potent or wide-reaching marketing approaches that will attract more customers.

One of the examples of online advertising includes banner ads, contextual ads on search engine results pages, advertising networks and e-mail marketing, which sadly also includes e-mail spam.

A definitive result of online advertising is that information and content that are not limited by time or space, as the emerging arena of interactive advertising presents fresh challenges for advertisers who have previously have adopted an interruptive strategy.

How Online Ads Are Purchased

At present, there are three common methods of purchasing online advertising space. These are through the CPM, CPC and CPA modes. In the CPM method (Cost Per Impression), advertisers pay for exposure of their product or marketing message to a specific audience, and these costs are priced per thousand impressions. The M in the acronym stands for the Roman numeral for one thousand.

In the Cost Per Visitor (CPV) format, advertisers pay for the delivery of a Targeted Visitor to the advertisers website. In the CPC, or Cost Per Click method, which is also referred to as the Pay per click (PPC) system, online advertisers pay every time a user clicks on their listing and is redirected to their website. The advertisers do not actually pay for the listing, but only do so when the listing is clicked on.

This system allows advertising analysts to refine searches and gain information about their market. Under the Pay per click costing mode, advertisers pay for the right to be listed under a series of target rich words that direct relevant traffic to their website, and pay only when someone clicks on their listing which links directly to their website. CPC differs from CPV in that each click is paid for regardless of whether the user makes it to the target site.

In the CPA, or Cost Per Action system, advertising is based on performance, and is a common method in affiliate marketing programs. In this advertising scheme, the publisher takes all the risk of running the ad, and the advertiser pays only for the amount of users who complete a transaction, such as a purchase or sign-up. According to industry observers, this is the best type of rate to pay for banner advertisements and the worst type of rate to charge.

Useful Tips For Effective Online Advertising

According to advertising veterans, the fundamental logic behind online advertising, is acquiring a better understanding of the experience that customers want, and also in finding ways to improve it. The prime target of Internet advertising is to drive more customers to your Web site, as well as to make them visit your location, increase awareness about your products and services, or make them call about your products or services.

The good thing about employing this method, is that it can be done at a very low cost. In fact it could be totally free, particularly if you advertise by sending out a newsletter or swap links with other sites. In other instances, it is estimated to cost from anywhere between $100 and $3,000 per month to advertise on popular sites, depending on the ad type.

While standard offline advertising is still being used as a method to drive online consumers to Web sites, some companies are now trying online ads like banners, pay-per-click ads and pop-ups. There are also online newsletters, magazines and journals, Web sites, search engines, which are all good avenues for reaching target customers who shop or gather information online.

Whenever you wish to do online advertising, it is imperative that you always keep your ad content concise and clear, as well as try to relate your ad to a basic emotion or situation that is likely be shared by the consumers that you are trying to reach. Simply putting company logo on a banner would not be appropriate enough to get people to click and buy. A good way of enhancing your ad is by adding a message that will register with your target market.

Unlike radio or TV viewers and listeners, online customers are probably already focused on something else and are known to only pay scant attention when your ad appears. This is the main reason why online ads need to have that extra, unique appeal, and should also need to be placed where your target niche will be able to view them. You must be able to properly formulate your ad according to specific demographic aspects such as age, gender, income level, education, hobbies and others. - 7 SEO

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

There are a number of ways to maximize your profits and often they have nothing to do with increasing revenue. Case in point, if you are pulling in $1,000 a week in your internet business and spending $1,100 you are losing $100 and if you are pulling in $400 and spending $300 you are making a $100 profit. Sadly, many people look at the person "earning" $1,000 as successful despite the fact that this person is overspending with little result. Such is the case when it comes to online marketing and the traditional banner advertisements and email campaigns of prior years.

Yes, at one time these methods of advertising were successful ways of drawing in a potential buyer. Placing a low cost banner advertisement on a website leads drew great attention to products in the past. Ditto email marketing which essentially took the age old concept of direct mail marketing and made it electronic. Times, however, have changed and these methods of marketing - while still somewhat useful - really can no longer be the strategic basis of a marketing campaign.

With banner advertisements the actual purchases on "click throughs" have diminished. Also, the number of people clicking on banners has diminished as well. Part of the reason for this is that people have become wary of the spyware intrusions that banner ads often bring. For email marketing, it was overexposure that killed the beast. Essentially, people have become tired of receiving absurd amounts of "spam" emails everyday and this has led to greatly tuning out on advertisers who use such campaigns. This is to say nothing of the increased costs of dealing with bulk email marketing providers.

One can simply take a test of their own daily internet activity to prove that these methods no longer work as effectively. People spend more time on social networking sites like Facebook and Myspace and video sharing sites like YouTube than reading through emails or clicking on banner ads. This alone is proof that the internet is moving in a different direction to which there are no signs of turning back. People are searching for content, and it makes far more sense to advertise for little to no cost on these types of sites versus paying thousands for outdated methods.

The landscape of internet marketing has changed greatly from prior years. These days, it would be far more effective to look into search engine optimization, blog advertising et al for ones online marketing needs. Economics simply dictate as such.

To learn more successful internet marketing strategies from Maury Wilks, visit For more information on creating a successful Internet Business, visit

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Before selecting affiliate marketing strategies ask yourself the following five questions. When you do then you can find the best affiliate marketing in the market and make money online.

1. How large is the niche affiliate marketing?

You need to search the size of your niche. If your affiliate marketing strategies lead to a niche affiliate marketing program which covers a big size of the market, you can earn a decent income from it.

2. How easy is it to start affiliate marketing program?

Some programs are complicated to register and they do not provide any training and support. If you are a novice, you need to find one that is easy to start and gives you continuous support, as well as provides you opportunity to grow to become an affiliate team leader.

3. How can you promote the affiliate marketing program?

Part of affiliate marketing program is ways to promote the program. Will they give you some guidelines in how to promote it or do you need to figure it out yourself?

4. What are the real problems that the customers are experiencing?

By asking that question, you are looking at how you can add value to your customers. Your program should be the answer of people's problems. The most common problems people facing are in terms of health, fitness, finances and relationships.

5. How do your selected affiliate marketing strategies impact the commission earning?

Some programs only pay you once while others give attractive commission to the fifth tiers. You need to find the best affiliate marketing program that allows you to earn repeatedly after making a sale. Find out here.

There are many affiliate marketing strategies offered in the market. Your diligent research to select the best affiliate marketing program will allow you not only to become a solution to people's problems but also to earn great money online.

Affiliate Marketing Strategies

Offering Great Products, Commissions & Support

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

As you might already know, article marketing is the best free promotional and traffic-generating tool in the internet today. It can augment your website's traffic while pulling up your search engine ranking. But, are there some ways on how you can improve you marketing efforts to maximize the benefits that you can get from using this tool?

Here are the 4 intriguing methods to supercharge your article marketing:

1. Multiply the number of your articles. As each submission grants you at least one quality inbound link, the number of your submissions plays crucial role in the success of your article marketing campaign. Experts agree that you have to submit at least 5 articles per day to further improve your website traffic and strengthen your online presence.

2. Sell your products. Although most publishers will not allow you to include blatant advertisements on your content, you can still pitch in your products on your articles - but in a subtle way. Talk about the problems that are being faced by your target market and offer your products as a solution. By doing so, you will be able to create a need for your product and properly build it up to secure more sales leads.

3. Be particular with the quality of your articles. This is the most important element that will either make or break your marketing efforts. You would want other online users to read, pick up, and republish your articles so you can create more inbound links for your website and increase your website's traffic in the process. Thus, it is important that your articles are well-written, informative, useful, and content-rich.

4. Use keywords and popular search terms on your chosen niche. This is to make your articles highly searchable online and make it easier for you to connect to your target market.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

What is article marketing? It is a question asked by people that have come across the term when seeking ways to promote their website and generate traffic. Many people write articles, or have them professionally written, without understanding their real purpose.

If they do not understand how article marketing can be used to derive massive amounts of traffic to targeted web pages on their site, how can they possibly be prepared to write an article intended to achieve that?

That raises a question. The term is quite common in the world of internet marketing yet it appears that there are many people who have no idea what it actually means. Probably that is due to the misuse of the word by many article companies, so the intention here is to put the matter straight.

For a start, there are far too many writers supplying article services who have no idea what they are doing, and have obviously no interest in the needs of the person for whom they are writing. Websites offering freelance writing services are full of them. It is full of people who can neither write grammatical and well spelled English, nor understand the needs of their customers.

There is a difference in writing style and vocabulary between writing to persuade a reader to click on a link offering further information, and actually providing that information in the article itself. A teasing article, containing excellent information but not quite enough, and that compels a reader to click for the rest, is more difficult to write than 1000 words about a topic in general. It takes planning, and it is easy for a professional writer to spot an article that has not been planned properly.

Article marketing is, in fact, the art of marketing through the use of articles, in the same way that internet marketing is the art of marketing through the use of the internet. There is no other possible definition. Therefore, what that defines is that those who write articles intended of the purpose of article marketing should not only understand what the term means, but should fully understand how articles can be used to market a product.

Perhaps that product is a tangible product, such as a flat screen TV, perhaps it is something less tangible such as a concept involved in search engine optimization, or perhaps it is a website. Whatever it is that is marketed, if it is done so by the means of articles, then that infers strongly that the articles involved must not only be read, but must be well enough written as to maintain the interest of the reader to the extent that they visit the writers website. Otherwise, the marketing technique will fail.

That is what article marketing is in terms of the concept. In practice, it involves the writing of articles that readers will find interesting enough to want to know more. Such article services should provide a compelling reason for reader to click for more information. They must want to click on the link provided by the writer to his or her website to find out more about the topic.

If the article is written badly, this will not happen. The reader will leave the website or directory that contains the article. Sometimes it will be better to have an article professionally written so that it grabs the attention of the reader, but how do you know who is professional enough to do that. It takes us back to the beginning of this article, whereby you do not know the standard of writing you will get if you hire someone online to write for you.

Although a well written article will attract the readers attention, you should also have a well designed bio or authors resource box to attract the click to your website. If the article is written well enough, and is easily read and understood, then you can use the resource box to direct readers to your website. But not only that: the power of article marketing is that you can send visitors to any page on your website that you want. Simply write an article relevant to that web page.

The way to make the best use of articles is to make sure that they are well written, whether you write them yourself or not, are relevant to the topic and interest anybody who is reading them. Then, you will attract visitors to the page on your resource box, and also might just persuade someone to copy your article for their own website.

What is article marketing able to do for you? If you make sure that your articles are written well enough it can provide you with traffic to your website and one way links back to the page of your choice from each article directory that accepts it. You should also make sure that any site that provides article services intended to promote your product or website has a good record in doing so, and understands fully the meaning of the term article marketing.

More information on how to use Article Marketing to drive traffic to your website and increase your sales can be obtained from Pete's web page Article Marketing

He can be contacted from his article services website.

A Review Of My Marketing Goldmine

I have been marketing online for over several years now and can honestly tell you, that I have never seen anything like My Marketing Goldmine before.

Dave Issacs and Aaron Leighton, two guru marketers were sick and tired of having to seek out and purchase resale products, pay for hosting, pay monthly fees for autoreponders and having to find freebies to build their lists, so the decided to pool their resources and launch My Marketing Goldmine.

When My Marketing Goldmine launched it was almost as if you could hear a collective "Oh they did not just do that" from all membership owners all over the internet. You may already belong to a resale membership yourself and that is great! Resale rights and Private Label Rights are an awesome tool for affiliate and internet marketers to make instant money and grow their lists by offering free gifts upon sign up.

And I know if you are doing business online, than you have a website so you are paying monthly hosting fees as I was. Heck if you are an experienced marketer than you probably build your own list with an autoresponder and your weekly newsletter. My Marketing Goldmine offers all of this and more with your membership. It is the most successful membership site for marketers online for a reason.

Why, because the amount of benefits you receive as a member is unheard of. I myself almost fell over when I came across this membership site. I figured it is a little pricey, but the money that you save for all of these services is "Incredible."

What David and Aaron have created is a way for you and I to level the playing field with other successful marketers. The products, tools and resources that were out of your reach before are now handed over to you to make more money, generate more affiliate sign ups and make more sales. My Marketing Goldmine was created by marketers for marketers.

Take a minute and really read over this list of benefits that My Marketing Goldmine will give instant access to as a member.

  • Super Fast Premium Web Hosting
  • Fully Hosted Access To JVManager2* (Fantasos)* - Run Your Own Affiliate Program
  • Unlimited Professional Autoresponders
  • Unlimited Professional Ad Tracking
  • Your Own Fully Customizable Website
  • Your Own Fully Customizable Weekly Newsletter - This one is worth its weight in Gold!
  • The "You Can! Make A Living Online" Training Program
  • Access To The "Ultimate List Building" Package
  • Access To Their Gigantic Resale Rights Library
  • Ready to Use "Plug-In" Scripts and Marketing Tools
  • Access To Their Huge Private Label Library
  • Access To Their Rapidly-Expanding Niche Library
  • Access To Their Private Label Articles Vault
  • Access To Their Website Template Library
  • Access To Their Step-By-Step Training Center
  • Access To Their Affiliate Training Center
  • Access To Their Legendary Support Network
  • My Marketing Goldmine Affiliate Program - This will pay for your membership alone
  • FREE Hosting For Up To 20 Domains
  • 1 x Fully Customized SEO Report Every Month
  • 12 Ultra High Quality Squeeze Page Templates
  • 21 Ultra High Quality PSD Editable Header Templates
  • 117 Hours Of Internet Marketing Audio Interviews
  • $100 A Day Income System
  • $7 Secrets Special Report and Script!
  • The Niche Fishing Video Series
  • Private Label Rights To 10 Hot Selling Products!
  • Affiliate Landmine Membership
  • Business Professional Membership
  • The Barking Videos with Master Resell Rights
  • Member Loyalty Bonuses

  • Now that went over the benefits, lets talk about the problem with My Marketing Goldmine. The problem with this membership site is that they only allow a certain amount of members to join, to avoid saturation.

    An honest review of My Marketing Goldmine is that you can have just about every marketing tool that you will ever need all in one place and you can save alot of money and ditch all of those monthly fees.

    By: Chris Peterson

    Want to find out how to get your My Marketing Goldmine Membership. I have set up a special video that goes over the entire membershilp site Get an insiders view first before you join.

    Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

    To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

    We all know that the more popular the site is, the more visitors it will receive. One best way of achieving such popularity is building back links by submitting the site to web directories.

    First of all, lets shed some light on what a back link and a directory are. Back links are the incoming links to a website or webpage. They are also called inbound or inward links. The quantity and quality of back links determine the popularity of the website in many search engines like Google.

    The are two main types of back links:

    One-way links. It is when someones link is placed on the site with nothing in return.

    Reciprocal or exchanging links. It is when one site includes a link to another site and that site places a back link in return.

    Directories are online catalogues that list other websites according to their contents.

    You should submit your link to big directories like DMOZ, Yahoo, or Best of the Web. Various small free or paid directories are also worthy your attention.

    Submitting your link to free directories is a must, except for those that require a reciprocal link for your site to be listed. Ultimately, its about you to decide whether to give a reciprocal link or not. Just keep in mind that search engines will not penalize you because of your incoming links, but your outgoing links can do much harm to you. If you link from your site to a known spammer or so-called bad neighborhood, your position in the search engine result pages could suffer. Most of the directories that require a link back exist only to gain link weight for themselves and are not worth your time.

    We also recommend that you avoid the directories which require a payment for a site to be included. Many paid directories are launched solely to make temporary money. Their owners will promote the directory and try to inflate its PageRank to attract submissions and then switch to yet another new directory using the same bait. Many also have been banned or penalized by search engines for the practice of selling links without editorial review.

    A submission price in small directories can vary from a few dollars as a one-time fee, to as much as $50 annually. There are thousands of such directories out there. Choosing the right ones to submit your site can take some time, work and knowledge.

    We recommend that you pay attention the following factors when considering a directory for your submission:

    • The Google PageRank or Alexa Rating of the Directory. The higher the better. Never pay for a site submission if a directory has a Google PR of 0.
    • Where are the back links of the directory from? Are those from real sites, or from other sites of the same company, or advertisements the company bought?
    • Check how long the directory operates. You can check or to get an idea. The longer the better.
    • Look at other submissions in the directory and in particular in the category you will submit your link to. If you find spam sites or unrelated links, you do not want to be associated with it.
    • If you know the name of the company that owns the directory, find more information about the company. If they don't tell you on the site, you can find it with Whois usually. Does the company maintain dozens of directories or just this one? You do not want to deal with the company that runs dozens of directories because they are obviously just out for your money.
    • Price does always matter, so keep that in your mind as you make your decision.

    As you see there is a thousand chances of getting listed, free, paid, or in exchange for a reciprocal link. Choose the directories wisely. Remember that its not only the popularity that counts, but the quality as well.

    I've just scratched the surface in the article presented. You can find a lot more valuable information about how to increase your site popularity by building quality one-way links here: Secret Tips For Building Quality and Natural Looking Links to Your Site

    Author is a technical expert associated with development of one-way link building program: Fast Directory Submitter. Did you find those tips useful? Download a free report to learn more: Secret Tips For Building Quality and Natural Looking Links to Your Site.

    Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

    To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

    It is probably common knowledge that website traffic building is the only way to start making money on the internet. If you don't have traffic coming in to click on your links, how on earth are you going to make any sales? First of all, you must realize why Google traffic is the best, how to optimize your website for Google, then you must find other methods other than Google.

    Why Google Traffic is the Best
    Google traffic is the best way to gain traffic to your website. Not only will you receive targeted traffic depending on what keywords you decide to pursue, but you will also receive a daily amount of traffic for free! Thats right, by utilizing search engine optimization [SEO] , you will receive a daily amount of traffic for free. It may take a while but in due time, you will eventually gain the results you want.

    Google as a search engine is better than all the other search engines as well simply because Google directs approximately 80% of the searches on the internet. That means there have been millions of people that have performed billions of searches! It is important that you get your share of the internet as well.

    How to Optimize Your Website for Google
    It is important that you find keywords that are highly searched but have low competition among other websites. When you find these keywords and put them on your webpage, Google will see you as an authoritative source, and therefore rank you high when a person types in that keyword in the Google search box. It is highly important that you find as many long-tail keywords as possible, so you can get a great amount of organic visitors on a daily basis.

    Finding other methods besides Google
    It is important to find other methods besides Google as well, because as the old saying goes, it is never good to put all your eggs in one basket. Therefore do some research on other ways you can get targeted traffic to your website. Some of these ways include social networking sites such as myspace, facebook, friendster, and others. Make sure you do not spam, because spam is illegal, however, if you have valuable information that you want to expose to the public then by all means, make your presence known.

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    Kyle Everette is an expert of keyword research & Search Engine Optimization, and believes anybody can build a highly successful website with the correct tools & knowledge.

    Viral marketing is a methods of list building

    There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

    As part of the Little Guy Network opportunity, you can take full advantage of products that have resell rights. What that means for you is that ultimately, you already have a way to drive traffic to your website right at your fingertips. When you incorporate an SEO strategy into those e-books and other resell products, your Internet marketing strategy will be primed to deliver the qualified prospects that you desire.

    Most people wouldn't even attempt to write their own e-book much less their own article, so you can imagine that the resell products you have in your hands are a gold mine! Let's talk a little bit more about using SEO.

    Driving traffic to your site using SEO techniques is great, but don't overdo it. Your keyword usage should look natural in your articles, blog posts and advertisements. Many people have a tendency to overuse keywords, thinking that the more these words show up, the better their chances of ranking higher on the search engines. One article says that 15 to 20 percent density is acceptable, but another report will tell you that only 1 to 4 percent is what is actually necessary. Just remember that the key is to have your keyword density look natural in your written web media.

    Here's the real problem with overusing keywords. If your web page is over-stuffed with keywords, it will have a tendency to look unprofessional and "spammy" to your audience. This, by the way, will also get you penalized by Google be having your website removed from the search engine.

    What should a good site look like? Here are some tips.

    1. Don't overuse keywords in title tags and meta description tags. You don't have to stuff in as many keywords as possible to get good results. A few keywords used in your tags and descriptions will go a long way.

    2. Tell your audience what you want them to do. If there are too many links or keywords all over the page, your audience might have a hard time figuring out what you want them to do.

    3. Avoid misspellings. What professional do you know who would purposefully misspell? It not only looks unprofessional, it looks like you don't care enough about your business to ensure that these types of mistakes didn't happen.

    4. Make your page easy to read. This means you'll need compelling titles and easy to read content in order to get them interested in reading what you have to say.

    The Little Guy Network opportunity gives you the resources you need to become a success. Just know that a little education in SEO will help you to understand other types of Internet marketing available that can also enhance your marketing strategies. Lastly, your professional approach to employing your SEO strategy will bring you credibility and ensure that you develop a loyal audience.

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