
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait (and Other Analogies and Cliche's for SEO)

Weve all heard that familiar expression, Good things come to those who wait. Whether youre waiting for your Heinz ketchup to pour out onto your burger (remember those commercials?), waiting for Christmas day to open your gifts, waiting for summer vacation to be let out of school, or waiting in line at the DMV well, maybe not the DMV, good things will come if you simply allow them to come in their own time.

Under normal circumstances that expression is simply not true. Youll still get your ketchup if you shove the butter knife into the bottle, dragging it out onto your plate; open all your gifts on Christmas Eve; skip that last few pointless days of the school year; or get into the express line at the DMV. The real lesson behind the cliche is that patience is a virtue.

One instance where its is true, that good things come to those that wait, is when you are performing search engine optimization. Unlike placing sponsored ads via Google AdWords or Yahoo! Search Marketing, where results are almost instantaneous, the long-term return on investment for SEO is considerably better than most other forms of on- or off-line advertising. Unfortunately, SEO does not produce instantaneous results. And yes, patience is still a virtue.

Optimizing your site for your targeted key phrases wont get you to #1 over night. You wont find all your keywords to rank in the top 10 on Google in just a few days, nor will you get significant traffic improvement at the snap of the fingers. To use a simple analogy, SEO is like boiling water: you dont get a hard boil the moment you turn on the burner, you have to wait for it.

The process of optimizing a site, or just specific pages in a site can take weeks, and thats just the initial optimization phase. In a previous article I wrote about the making of a perfect SEO firm, highlighting all the different jobs that an SEO firm must perform for the optimization process. That article outlined only the overall human resources needed but didnt go into the specific job functions that are required in the SEO process, when performed correctly. Here is where I let that particular cat out of the bag.

Cant Find Your Way Out of a Paper Bag

On the front end of the optimization process hours and hours of research must be performed for each account. Everything from keyword research, industry research, competition research, marketing research, and more, all needs to be completed before any optimization can begin. We often get asked if research time can be shortened if we have performed optimization work for another site in the same industry recently. The short answer to that is, no.

Every site is constructed different, designed different, laid out different, has a unique history and targets the audience differently. These are all factors that are considered in the multiple levels of research performed. No two sites are the same; therefore no research is the same.

Nothing to Write Home About

A good SEO will actually write or rewrite your page content to properly (and effectively) work in your targeted keyword phrases. A professional writer should be able to take the SEO recommendations for keyword usage and incorporate that into existing content in a way that reads naturally (i.e. does not look as if you just tried to insert keywords here and there for search engine relevance) and maintains the ability to convert your visitors to paying customers. This is no small task and should be done with utmost time and care.

Take It or Leave It

Code bloat removal is probably the most overlooked part of the SEO process. Sure, everybody knows about titles, meta tags, alt tags, etc. and making them all search engine friendly. Thats not necessarily a small task either, but many times, eliminating page code bloat is an incredibly daunting task. Moving styles and javascripts is only part of the puzzle. Many times a page has to be almost completely rebuilt due to the excess amount of junk code that was put in place by whatever design programs were used.

Even a Broken Watch is Correct Twice a Day

On top of the code bloat removal process you also want to get your pages to validate to professional HTML standards set by the W3C. Validation is simply ensuring the correct coding elements are used and used correctly. While most validation issues are relatively small, they tend to come in multitudes thorough the site. Larger validation issues can often take time and substantial finessing of the code in order to correct.

All Things Being Equal

Site maps, custom 404-redirects and robots.txt files are all important to the overall construction of your site, even if they dont necessarily have a direct effect on the actual on-page optimization of your site. Site maps help both search engines and visitors quickly and easily get to the information that is important. A custom 404 redirect eliminates that annoying page not found error and lets you keep visitors on your site if they somehow access a page via a bad link. The robots.txt file is useful to communicate with the search engine spiders about content they should or should not index. This allows the search engines to focus its time on the good stuff and not the irrelevant portions of your site.

Theres More Here than Meets the Eye

There are a lot of details that I left out simply because it cant all be addressed in a single article, but you can get the gist of the amount work that goes into just the initial optimization of a site. Depending on the size of the site or the number of pages being optimized, the processes above can take several weeks to a few months to compete. Going back to our boiling water analogy, you just filled the pot, now its time to put the pot on the stove.

Very rarely is search engine optimization a one-time-only process, but takes a continuous ongoing effort to build site relevance, evaluate performance, analyze effectiveness, and adjust the campaign accordingly to achieve and maintain top rankings against active competitors and substantial algorithm changes.

There are Plenty of Fish in the Sea

Link building and management is an important aspect to the total optimization campaign. Optimizing your site without considering your link campaign is like trying to drive a car without tires. You dont need great tires to make the car move forward, but you have to have some kind of tires in place, unless youre towing your car on a flatbed truck. Same holds true for a web site, it can be a great site but without links you just wont perform in the natural search results. (Just to complete the analogy, we can say that sponsored ads and off line marketing efforts are the flatbed truck.)

Linking has gotten more and more complex as the search engines fight link spam and seek to improve relevance. Whether you seek out one-way or reciprocal links, linked articles or directory submissions, or authority links, link building is a very time consuming process that undergoes constant re-evaluations. A good link today may not be a good link tomorrow, not because it was never a good link but because the linking site might become irrelevant to the search engines or become a search spammer, or whatever reason. A good half to two-thirds of the monthly man-hours assigned to ongoing optimization can easily be focused specifically on the link campaign.

Look at Both Sides of the Coin

Unless you are targeting no more than a single phrase for any given page of your site, inevitably it will take some finesse to achieve top rankings for all phrase being targeted. Good keyword research in the set-up process can greatly improve the ability to archive top rankings for multiple phrases per page, but no matter what there will always be certain elements working against each other. Adjust one phrase here and another one drops. Adjust that phrase and still another phrase drops.

With time, a good SEO will be effective at getting your keywords ranked well against the competition. Thats half the battle. The rest comes as new or existing competitors amp up their optimization efforts in order to take back what was achieved and as search engines adjust their algorithms. Weve all heard of sites losing rankings with algo adjustments, even those that have never spammed. It happens and its the job of the SEO to see these things coming and adjust the site accordingly and should rankings dip, to move in and get them back in place.

Wait with Baited Breath

Again, this is just scratching the surface of what goes into the monthly optimization campaign. But all of these adjustments work over time. Even more so once you consider sandboxing and aging delays that are becoming a staple in the search engine algorithms.

If Youre Not Part of the Solution, Youre Part of the Problem

Dont expect instant results with your optimization campaign. Many SEOs require a six or twelve month contract, simply because they know it can often take that much time to show solid results for all of your keywords. Expecting great results any sooner is simply wishful thinking.

We all heard the saying, A watch pot never boils. Well, in reality, itll take the same amount of time to boil as an unwatched pot, but it just seems longer because youre there looking at it. Once you hire your SEO company, let them do their job and walk away. Dont completely forget about them and check in from time to time just so you know whats going on (and your SEO knows that you expect results), but just give it time for the process to work.

Go work on your site, your business and other marketing efforts. While your SEO is working to make your site successful in the search engines, look for other ways to bring success to you and, to use another cliche; dont put all your eggs in one basket. Search engine optimization should not be your only hope for success.

If you have done your research and chosen the right SEO company success will come, but only with time. Be willing to let the process work its course and good things will come by the boatload.

Stoney deGeyter is president of Pole Position Marketing, a professional search engine optimization and marketing firm providing SEO services since 1998. Stoney is also a part-time instructor at the community College in Reno, Nevada where he resides as well as a moderator in the Small Business Ideas Forum. You can read his SEM blog at (EMP) E-Marketing Performance. You can email him with any questions at

List Building: Setting Up a Synergistic List-Building System

Getting started with any project is the most important thing, and we don't always do it right. For instance, here is where people lose a lot of money, so this is really important.

If you're doing a teleseminar series, drive traffic, including your own list members to your list building squeeze page and be list building around a group of people who might be interested in the calls.

This is a great opportunity to monetize the thank you page, after people have joined the list, via the "homework" link or the "pre-call training." What youll find is that if only 30 to 50 percent of the people that sign up for your teleseminar list actually show up for the call, you still end up selling a certain percentage of them some product, right? It's like a head start.

Anyway, this happens in the first week of promotions. Drive traffic to your primary list building page for the whole series of calls.

At the same time, send three sample emails about the calls series to each of your speakers (and I would have three different emails--sequential emails), and say, Send these three emails about the teleseminar series or customize them to sound more like you.

If you have six speakers, be sure you get on all six of their lists, so that you know whether the emails were actually sent to their lists. And get each person to commit to the specific days that theyre going to send out. Get absolute dates. Im going to send out on a Wednesday, August 12th, Im going to send out on Thursday, August 13th and Im going to send out on Friday, August 15th.

And then those mornings, the first thing that you do is you pick up the phone and call the people who agreed to send out that day. Its your job to get as many of those people to mail out as possible, okay, and they wont. Its your job to motivate them to hustle and to remind them in a nice way, but make sure you get an absolute commitment from them in email and over the phone and make sure they have it written on their calendars.

For the Second week and subsequent weeks (assuming you hold a call once a week), change the destination URL for each speaker's affiliate link to the list building page for their particular event. If you have six people to interview, you should have seven squeeze pages for list building, including the one you used to advertise the entire series and one for each speaker.

Then what you can do is, one or two days before each call, get the person you're going to interview to send another message out to his or her list about their call. Tell your partners, What weve done is changed the destination of your affiliate link and it goes straight to the squeeze page for your interview.

Now heres the key; this is magic what Im about to explain to you. The key is you set up your autoresponder, and what youre going to do is when people opt-in for a particular call, whats going to happen is theyre going to be opting-in to a list for the speaker's call, and set it up so that you're list building, too, and that people are opting-in to your main list. Then, be sure to set your main list up so that it doesnt allow for multi-subscribes.

The main concept is because Bobby Jones is going to be driving straight to his squeeze page for his interview, you want to make sure that people get popped into your primary list as well, so that when you promote the calls in the future, you have everybody in one place.

Plus, for the thank you pages for your speaker's calls, you use a thank you page for their primary product, and make a bunch of money. Plus, you've been list building the whole way. The money's great, but it's really the list that matters. From a list, you can make money over, and over, and over again, even after the teleseminar series is over.

Tellman Knudson is CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc. and a master of list building. Build a massive responsive list at

Article Marketing - Create Your Own Home Business Writing Articles For Others

Article marketing has a huge and growing popularity as a form of online advertising. By providing free information in the form of articles, Web sites attract customers to their businesses. So if you can write articles, you can develop your own home business.

Because there's such a good Return on Investment (ROI) with article marketing when compared with other advertising, businesses pay well for custom articles written to their specifications.

In this article we'll look how you can start a home business writing articles.

Your first step is to get some experience in writing articles. The more articles you write, the better your income, so look on this start-up phase as way of streamlining your processes, so you can train yourself to write articles fast.

1. Get experience in article writing at the out-sourcing sites

Go to one of the many out-sourcing sites, and bid on article writing projects. When you win some projects, write the articles to the purchaser's specifications.

Some article writers develop their businesses at the out-sourcing sites, however you'll make more money if you develop your own small Web site. Having your own site means that you can cut down on the time required to get article writing jobs, because your purchasers will come to you.

2. Write articles to promote your article writing business

Now you have some experience in writing articles, your next step is to promote your article writing home business - yes, by writing articles.

You need a Web site. Your site can be small and free. (You could create a free Blogger blog to act as your site for example.) On the site, advertise your availability as an article writer, and set your rates, as well as the topics in which you'll specialize.

3. Promote your article writing business to companies which use article marketing

Next, write some articles about article marketing, or about the topics in which you intend to specialize as an article writer, and post the articles to article directories.

In your resource/ bio box at the end of your article, promote yourself as an article writer with a link to your Web site.

You'll soon attract a stream of article buyers to your site, and your article writing home business will be launched.

Discover how easy it is to make money article marketing with Angela Booth's "Sell Your Writing Online NOW" Training Program at The program is fun and profitable too. There's a full year of lessons and assignments:"Sell Your Writing Online NOW" helps you to earn while you learn, even as a brand new writer.

New to writing? Visit Angela Booth's new Writing Hacker Web site at - watch Angela's "Make money Writing: Write and sell Web articles - they're in hot demand" video.

For free weekly writing information, subscribe to Angela's Fab Freelance Writing Ezine at and receive "Write And Sell Your Writing: The Power-Write Report" immediately.

Google Webmaster Tools Offers Geographic Targeting Of Website

Taming Google search results for Geographic location had become frustrating for Webmasters and SEO experts. It is a known fact that Google search results are tweaked based on the location of the searcher, and this phenomenon is caused due to Google algorithm which produces different search results depending on from where the internet user is searching.

Google Webmaster Tools Geographic Targeting Feature

This feature has been introduced with Google webmaster Tool to help webmasters tell the search engine their targeting location.

Effect of Geographic Targeting using Google Webmaster Tool

A few tests have revealed that setting this can effect your search results when a user searches from that location. Although if you are targeting global audience it is advisable not to use this feature as it may have adverse effect.

Factors that contribute to Geographic Search results on Google

Here is a list of some factors that are often perceived as the guiding force for different results by Google by geographic location.

  1. This information tells Google that the website probably belongs to that location, but there are exceptions to that.
  2. Extension of the Domain Name: A website which has a country specific domain extension like or co. in will rank better in UK and India respectively.
  3. Keyword Usage on the website: This can also contribute to the changes in ranking algorithm, for example if you are using too much of India or UK in your website it is perceived by Google that the website is targeting that location.

The Google Webmaster Tools Geographic Targeting feature is step forward in helping webmaster target their visitors more effectively and making the web a better place.

Learn more about Google's Top Ranking geographic targeting strategies, Seek professional SEO services to achieve Top Ranking in Google for your website.

One is the Loneliest Keyword Number

suppose you are selling leather date book organizers and you target the word "organizers." There is no way for a searcher to determine if your site has information of interest to someone looking for a "leather organizer" for important papers, a "closet organizer" for a neater home, or a "wedding organizer" to orchestrate that big event. In this case, it is essential that you add a second word to clarify the meaning of "organizer" as it would apply to your site.

Another problem with single word searches is their attainability. Even if a single keyword is what you really want, you may not be able to attain a search engine ranking on it. While it would be nice to be positioned well on a single extremely broad keyword, you might better use your time to pair the keyword with something more specific. More specific keywords have the added advantage of ensuring that your prospects are more qualified. You do not want to disappoint searchers who visit your site in the search of a wedding organizer.

Another example: A search on "software" at almost any search engine will return over a billion documents. The sites at the top of the list are there because of an array of factors, some of which are beyond your control, such as Google's PageRank algorithm that uses link popularity in its rating. It's highly unlikely that your smaller software company could displace Microsoft or another software giant for a first place ranking. Their sites are too popular and have too many links to them to be ousted by a smaller, less well-know software firm. Instead of fighting a losing batter, you should search for a combination term that clearly describes your site and yet returns few enough sites to give you a fighting chance at getting a top ranking.

The bottom line: Do not waste your time fighting for a hard-to-get keyword, unless you are a major player with a powerful brand that dominates your industry. Some keywords will be highly competitive, and you may have to work hard to achieve a top 10 slot. If you find that after all your hard work, you still can not make it into that top 10, just keep working on your other keywords. There are so many other keywords and combinations where your site can achieve a top 10 ranking that you will find that it's not very difficult at all to develop strong traffic from those rankings.

Identify a niche or pocket of keywords that clearly describe your work and that few others are targeting. Then, go after them! Remember, successful SEO requires persistence and perseverance.

Pamela Upshur is the owner of Upshur Creative.

Upshur Creative combines fresh, contemporary, fully functional turnkey websites with the best PHP scripts and databases to create the largest and most comprehensive turnkey collection for entrepreneurs.

Visit her site at: Turnkey Home Based Business.

Powerful Article Marketing - Discover 4 Hidden Secrets to Excel at Article Marketing

One of the hidden secrets to excel in article marketing is carefully choosing your keywords. Pick the ones that are constantly being used by your target market when they searched for information online. By using the right keywords or search terms, your articles will become highly searchable and you will increase their chances of being opened, read, and hopefully republished.

Here are the other hidden secrets to excel at article marketing:

1. Observe appropriate keyword density. Publishers are now very strict about keyword abuse. They immediately reject articles that contain so many keywords that don't sound natural on the content. Stick with 3% keyword density to stay on the safe side and to increase the chances of your articles being republished on leading submission sites like ezinearticles dot com and goarticles dot com.

2. Hire some help. Manually submitting your articles to hundreds of publishing sites can take so much of your writing time. This can affect your productivity which is not good in your marketing strategies. Hire somebody who can post the articles for you. Although you will need to shell out some money for this, you can buy yourself more time doing what you do best - writing.

3. Stick to the facts. Never overstretch the truth or insert unfounded information on your content to avoid misleading your readers. Before you publish your articles, be sure to double check your content as factual errors can easily tarnish your online credibility.

4. Never advertise on your articles. Don't convert your articles to sales letters and focus on giving your readers what they truly want - information. This is the surest way to move them to click on your resource box where you can post your sales pitches.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

10 Steps for Writing Web Content for SEO Lead Generation

Content is king on the web because content is information. People love information and search engines want to make people happy. Feed the search engines good content and the search engines will bring you people, just like one big happy family. It's easy-sort of.

1. Find your niche. Pick a manageable topic that will serve as your website niche. A search engine friendly website has a defined niche. Pick one topic or theme that will be covered on your website. If you are targeting leads in a specific geographic location, then choose one-and I do mean one-main area that will serve as your niche.

2. Do Keyword Research. Use a keyword research tool to determine what keywords and keyword phrases are being searched for most. I recommend the following tools:

a. Google Keyword Research Tool - Free

b. Wordtracker - Free Trial (I find that it's a bit overkill for typical SEO jobs)

c. Yahoo Keyword Tool - Gives precise numerical activity of searches

The goal of your keyword research is to obtain a list of keyword phrases elevant to your website's theme. Note the levels of searches being conducted for the various phrases. This will help you determine what you want your keywords to be.

Tip: Google's Keyword Research Tool allows you to Add your keywords to a list and export them into an Excel file.

3. Determine Main Keyword Phrase (Main KP). First, rank the keyword phrases you discover in the order of importance. The keyword phrases that are searched for the most should get higher ranking than the ones with no searches.

Second, rank the keyword phrases in terms of competition. If you find a phrase with a high search volume but a small amount of advertiser competition, you can bet that it will likely have less competition in the natural search area as well.

Choose the keyword phrase to be the Main KP of your site that does all of the following:

a. Has the most searches with the least competition

b. Accurately describe your web site's chosen theme

c. Describes your product or service in a very common way

d. Includes your main geo-target (city, state, country)

4. Determine your secondary Keyword Phrases (secondary KPs). The remaining keyword phrases play an important role in the content of your website. Keep your ranked list handy for integrating into your website's content. In fact, these secondary keyword phrases will later become the Main KPs of the interior pages of your Web site.

5. Choose topics of interior web pages. Start writing the content of your web sites interior pages before you write the home page. Decide how many pages of content your site will have and select one keyword phrase from your research that most closely relates to your theme and meets your objectives. I suggest starting with only 3-5 pages when you first launch the website. You can always add more pages later.

6. Start writing interior pages. Start by putting your keyword phrase on the page. This will be your title. Research your page topic and write basic facts pertaining to the keyword phrase. Keep in mind that it's facts that people are looking for and stay away from all forms of puffery. Give the facts without a lot of hype. This will naturally pull more keywords into the equation. Feel free to weave keywords into your content, but be careful not to overdo it as you can set-off Google's penalty triggers.

If you find yourself writing sentences just to incorporate keywords-don't. Stop yourself and get back to the topic. If you are really writing on topic, keywords should flow naturally.

Web Content Writing Tips

a. Write scannable text. People scan the web, they don't read it so write text that can be scanned

i. Use bullets like they are on sale two for one

ii. Bold keywords

iii. Use a combination of compelling and keyword rich headings

iv. Use headings liberally (practically for each paragraph)

v. Write short, choppy sentences (long ones are for print)

vi. Use the shortest word possible to get your point across

vii. Write at the 9th grade level (even Rhodes Scholars prefer this when scanning)

b. Remember your goal is to provide information. The search engines today have become answer engines. People come on line wanting an answer to their question. Providing the answer to these information hungry visitors will help you put them at ease, gain credibility and build rapport. Credibility and rapport online can lead to the same in person when that visitor becomes a lead.

c. Incorporate KPs and Keywords. Add keywords liberally, but don't make it sound unnatural. It's wise to add them to the beginning of sentences, paragraphs and headings. The very end of the page is also important. Staying on topic is one sure way to get more than enough keywords on the page. Be sure not to over do it. You need a keyword density of 6% per phrase to get real recognition from search engine crawlers. More than that can get you penalized.

d. Don't try to sell too soon or too hard! Save your sales copy for the end. "Give to get." Provide the information they crave and at the end, offer your services. Do this as opposed to selling from line one which puts people off and puts them on guard. Be the one to give people the answers they are looking for and they'll respect you for it and be more open to your soft sell approaches at the end of the page or in the right and left columns.

e. Keep your opinions to yourself. Using words like "fantastic" or "incredible" too often sounds fishy. Take a look at the successful Wiki's and notice that there is very little opinion going on. Of course, your opinion is valuable, but it's more important to give the facts, Jack.

f. Edit to the bone. Please do not put copy that's destined for print on the web. Yuck! Copy written for print is just totally different than that on the web. The web is more succinct, choppier and less visceral, so get out your pencil and click "delete" to many of those extra words you don't need.

g. Be original. You can't get away with copying the content of someone else. Google will catch you, and if they even remotely THINK your content is duplicated, your page may never see the light of day. Try to take an angle that no one else is taking. Be thorough and go the extra mile to bring content to the table from sources other than the web (like the newspaper, the tv news or Barnes and Noble).

h. Do a spelling and grammar check. This goes without saying, since it's easy to get in a hurry when writing on the web.

7. Add photos to the page that accurately convey your topic. A picture really is worth a thousand words, so don't hold back. The more excellent photos you have on the page (within reason) that help define and describe your topic of interest, the better. Just be careful that you make the photos small enough to prevent your page from taking forever to download. Here's a few other warnings about photos:

a. Don't put low-quality photos on a page

b. Don't forget to use photo editing software

c. Keep photos consistent

d. Don't put photos up that are not precisely related to the topic

e. Don't OD on photos

f. Make sure you have padding around your photos to separate it from the content

g. If it's a short article, one nice photo will do

h. Consider visiting for cheap photos or for free photos

8. Use high quality font. Believe it or not, the font you use on your web site IS important. There are only three font types that are universal among all browsers, so you can forget about fancy scripts anyway. The Times New Roman font has been shown to be more difficult to read than Arial and Verdana on the web. I've decided that Verdana is the easiest to read online, but that Arial looks more professional. My own site uses Verdana: (Ah, made you look!)

a. Cool Tool to test different Typesets - See which font works best for you.

b. Font Tester -

c. Font Comparison Table - Compare fonts for the web

9. Write your home page. Write the home page of your website only after you've completed the interior web page content. Your home page should be mainly about your Main KP, but should also incorporate all the secondary topics and keyword phrares of the interior pages. This will send a signal to Google that you have your site themed and you're ready for business.

10. Link to interior pages from home page. Link to all your interior pages from the home page using the Main KP of each page as the anchor text for the hyperlink. This will increase the rankings for the home page and interior pages.

Jenna Ryan specializes in Search Engine Optimization for Real Estate Agents. Her company, The Marketing, Inc. serves Realtors, Brokers and Agents nationwide in building custom real estate websites that get to the top of the search engines and generate leads. Visit us on the web today! The Marketing

Jenna Ryan with The Marketing specializes in Real Estate Websites, Search Engine Optimization and Lead Generation for Realtors, Agents and Brokers. Visit us on the web today!

Affiliate Elite - The Unfair Affiliate Marketing Advantage! Kiss Your Competition Goodbye!

Affiliate Elite was created by Brad Callen as the third generation of marketing software that actually works. Unlike previous software such as SEO Elite (mainly for Search Engine Optimization) and Keyword Elite (mainly for finding only the profitable keywords to target) Affiliate Elite is for maximizing your Google Adwords Campaigns through research. I am sure most of you know what The Google Adwords program is all about, but for those few who are not sure, search for just about anything and checkout the ads on the right hand side. People pay to place adds in the sponsored area of Google and the price can range from $0.01 all the way up to $25.00 or more for a single click, depending on how popular the niche your tying to market is at the time you place your ad. Google Adwords can cost the publisher (the person placing the ad) a lot of money without any returns. If the publisher does do the proper research into the market being targeted the publisher will never get a good ROI (Return On Investment).

Affiliate Elite actually should be banned because it steals, hacks, and invades the privacy of your competitor's money making Google marketing campaigns. You can view your which campaigns your competitors are doing well on, then copy their tactics and change the ads slightly for your own profits. You can even knock your competitor out of the race all together and steal all the profits for yourself legally!

Let me give you an example of how not having a copy of this software can hurt you in the long run. If you have been working with Google Adwords you know first hand how important the keywords and the structure of your ads can be. Especially if you have been working on them for the last 2 or 3 months, spending money testing, tweaking and then retesting again, to finally get the adds almost on auto-pilot where you start making more money than you spend each month. Then Affiliate Elite comes out of the blue and hands over all of your hard work straight to your competitors! Who in your right mind would hand over all of their hard work that has been put into your Google ads so that your competitors make money? Hopefully Nobody! Actually the last thing you need is competition on successful working Google campaigns!

There are four reasons why your competition could have an unfair advantage over you.

  1. Affiliate Elite will actually find profitable affiliate products for you to promote! - Affiliate Elite connects with some of the popular affiliate programs in order to help you find the products that are currently the hottest items. This software can also help you find the products that sell well, but do not have very many people promoting the software at any moment, which could means that you can get jump on the competition.
  2. Another the great feature is the Reverse Google Search - All you have to do is input the domain of the product in that you wish to compete against. The software will automatically output all the keywords used to bring traffic to that domain and all the ads used to promote the site. It even brings up the successful adwords of the competing competitors if you wish. Affiliate Elite actually uses Google's inner workings to bring up the exact successful ad campaigns that your competitor is using to make him/her money and all you have to do is copy the ad word for word to have the same success. I recommend actually changing the ad copy slightly to keep your unsuspecting victim from getting mad at you, for knocking over his gold mine and hard work.
  3. Next you can Analyze Google AdWords Competition - This has the same function as the input to Google Adwords where it will ask you to create a sample campaign and keywords, and it will then find all the ads in that campaign and let you know how many people are showing their ads for that same exact keyword phase. This is a great tool to check out how many competitors are in the market for the ad campaign that your trying to target.
  4. Find the Super Affiliates to promote your product - If you already have a product to sell and need to get it on the market really fast it helps to ask the super affiliates for help! Affiliate Elite will help you find the top marketers who will promote your site to hundreds of thousands of people with a few simple clicks. All you have to do is find a product that is similar to yours and this amazing software will give you the contact details of the people who promoted that product or service. I recommend only contacting the top affiliates manually. Do not automate this step in the process and you can see some amazing results from personally contacting each one.

Affiliate Elite comes with an entire site devoted to give you support with videos and a marketing forum to help you along the way. All software are also free for as long as you own the software, another great feature of what we come to expect from Brad.

For more information this product or other marketing related product or services please visit my website called "Is That a Scam" My website will let you know which products are worth buying and which products are just scam to avoid at all costs! If you find a product or service and I don't offer a review let me know about it, and we will do the leg work so that you can buy the product or service or to stay away from it like a plaque!

Amazing Article Marketing - 5 Fast Methods to Improve Your Article Marketing

This article aims to provide you with methods that can help you improve your article marketing campaign to better augment your traffic, increase your pre-qualified sales leads, pull up your search engine ranking, and promote yourself as an expert on your chosen niche.

1. Pick your subject and stick to it. Want to know the fastest way to lose your readers? Present them with an article that contains information that is not related to your main topic. Keep your articles focused and highly targeted by carefully choosing and effectively calibrating the kind and amount of information you will present on your content. Make sure that each idea you include will help your readers better understand your points.

2. Keep your articles short. You don't need to pour out everything you know in one article. To make your content highly readable and not boring, make them run 300-500 words. The shorter, the better. Remember, the audience that you are trying to serve has been proven to have short attention span and giving them lengthy articles will surely not help your article marketing efforts.

3. Follow the guidelines set by publishing sites. You don't want your articles to be rejected, do you? Read and understand the rules set by publishers and follow them by heart to increase the chances of your article being published online.

4. Pre-sell your website or your products. Focus your articles on topics that are related to your offering. This is to make it easier for you to drive quality traffic to your website.

5. Build up yourself. What is the image that you would like to establish online? Would you like your readers to consider you as an expert? A professional? A friendly, warm marketer? Adjust your writing style and your choice of words so you can project your preferred image.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Easy Ways To Make Money On The Internet - 3 Tips To Making Money Online

There are a number of easy ways to make money on the internet. Its just a matter of going out and searching for them! The internet is a vast complex of information on just about anything! Whether its the latest sports news, or the most up-to-date clothes shopping accessories, the internet is the place to find what your looking for. In particular, the internet has a wide range of legitimate and illegitimate ways to make money online. You need to be careful when it comes to looking for opportunities on the net. Coz there is a hec of a load of spammy scammy opportunities that can lead you into nothing but junk opportunities.

So what are some of the options that are actually legitimate to making money online? Well there are a few so lets discuss these.

Blogging -

Blogging is a fun and affordable way of setting up an easy way to make dough online. You can set a free blog up at googles blogger platform. You dont have to have qualifications in journalism. You just need to have knowledge an a topic like say golf. You can post information on it and then drive traffic to the blog. Once you have visitors, you can then add adsense adverts to the blog or perhaps promote a product on the topic (GOLF in this case) as an affiliate.

Affiliate marketing -

This is a very popular way to make money online. There are many online companies that have affiliate programs. For instance, some of the popular online establishments include, Walmart, Amazon etc. You simply get a customized URL from these affiliate programs. Then you need to send out your URL via email perhaps to your friends and family and try and encourage them to buy stuff off your url link. If they decide to purchase something by clicking your link and actually buying something off the website you directed to them, you will receive a commission for your efforts.

Surveys -

Lastly, one of the best and easiest ways to make money online is by doing paid surveys! The process is very simple. You sign up with a survey company and they send you out surveys to fill in for their own clients. The more surveys you fill out the more money you will make. Simple eh?

These are just three easy ways to make money on the internet.

Would you like to find out more information on ways to make some income online from the comfort of your own home? Why don't you visit Income from home using online surveys, or please visit

Article Marketing - You Won't Succeed Without It!

Article marketing is a way for any person, to get web traffic to their website by writing articles. Yes I know, ew writing! You might not like writing articles, but by simply writing an article, you can get tons of residual traffic for a life time to come! I'm serious. So why should you start article marketing?

Article marketing 101

  • Just by taking the time to write 1 article in less than 10 minutes, your article can get a first page ranking on search engines and totally dominate the keyword. For an example, let's use the keyword psp download. This is a very competitive keyword, with tons of advertiser competition, but if you were to google it...would you look at that!? There is an article on there from EzineArticles! That article gets clicked on at least 100 times a day, and the URL of that link gets clicked on at least 25 times a day. How much traffic do you think that adds up to?

  • You can establish yourself as an expert in your industry. Just by simply writing some articles, you can make yourself look like a guru and get people to trust and go to your website. Articles are great for this! Even by just writing one article, you can be seen as a professional to some people.

  • The amount of publicity you can get is unlimited. You can write as many articles as you want to make. The more you make, the more publicity your going to get your website. A great thing about writing tons of articles is that the more you write linking to your website, the more your website get's more inbound links. How wonderful is that? You're basically knocking out two birds with one stone!

  • Articles are absolutely free to make. You can write millions of articles, as long as they are unique, and it won't cost you a penny! You can get tons of web traffic to your website by just simply writing articles. That's all there is to it!

So in short, articles are one of the best ways you can get web traffic to your website. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and write!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Article Marketing Secrets To Create Web Site Traffic

Article marketing is very powerful if you know how to do it correctly. Unfortunately most people write one or two articles and do not get a stampede of traffic right away and give up. So you have to have the proper mind set to make this work. Also you need to at least write a few hundred articles to really get the benefit. If you look at the top article directories you will see that there are a handful of people who make a living from writing articles alone. They have a few hundred up to a few thousand articles. When you write an article you are not sure which one will generate the most traffic. If you write a good quality article and it gets picked up by a very popular web site you could get hundreds of visitors in one day. However, you do not know which article is going to do this for you.

Now let us look at one of most overlooked parts of article marketing. It is very essential to track and test how many clicks your author bio is getting. In your article you give by writing on a topic that you are an expert in. You take when someone clicks on your bio and you get a visitor to your web site. It is very important to have your unique selling proposition as your bio. Now I suggest you track and test different bios. Initially I was getting very low click through rates on my bio, but then I changed it and found one that gets a much higher click through rate.

You can also get stuck spending too much time submitting to different article directories. There is software that does this for you, but I found that it works best to submit to the article directories by hand. Also stick to the major article directories. Submitting to the smaller article directories will increase link popularity, but they rarely drive much traffic to your web site.

Once you master this skill you will generate the highest quality leads for free. If you do this on a consistent basis you can drive tens of thousands of visitors to your web site.

Would you like to know more about the magical marketing techniques that have helped me to quit my day job? I have just completed my new guide.

Download it free here: Secrets Of Internet Marketing

Here's your chance to drive massive traffic to your web site: Secrets Of Article Marketing

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Article Submission Secrets - Do You Use the Same Resource Box for All of Your Articles?

Q: One thing about the resource box, Jeff are they always all the same or do you have a template for resource boxes where you have a few of them to pick from?

A: You have a few of them to pick from. At EzineArticles they give you a default resource box. This is one of the ways you can do rapid article writing. You've already got that resource box sitting there for you that will appear automatically when you submit an article, and they've also got it set up where you can have a second one and a third one.

You can have a variety of resource boxes depending on your topic and your goal with your resource box.

Traffic generating resource box

If your goal with your article (in addition to sharing great quality information) and resource box is to drive traffic to your site, then I would go with a resource box with two to three active links in it. In this way, when you offer the reader a variety of resources on your web site or blog, they are more likely to click through and become a visitor to your web site.

List building resource box

If your goal with your article (in addition to sharing great quality information) and resource box is to build your list, then I recommend going with a resource box that has only one link in it. In the way your reader does not get distracted by any other links and clicks on the one link to trade their email address for more great information from you.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Building On a Budget Review - Will Mike Dillard's "Building on a Budget" Teach You Online Marketing?

In his one-of-a-kind writing style, Mike Dillard brings the idea of 'Building on a Budget' to life for networkers who have struggled to build their MLM business the old way.

Will you be able to implement his suggested strategies with the level of success promised?

Before I answer, let's first get into addressing, "what IS Building on a Budget teaching you exactly?"

Building on a Budget outlines how the average network marketer can generate his or her own prospects list on a shoe-string budget and then attract those prospects to them (either by phone call, email, or just by leadership attraction whereby they want to work with you).

These are similar ideas shared in Dillard's book, Magnetic Sponsoring, and his more expensive MLM Traffic Formula course manual. What makes Building on a Budget different, is it focuses in on 5 Building on a Budget strategies and he gives some instruction on how to go about it.

The Limitations...

The challenge with Dillard's book is that while he does a fantastic job at selling you on the concepts, the majority of network marketers aren't going to fight through figuring out all the technical aspects of setting up their own marketing.

A book is limiting. It doesn't visually show someone exactly what to do.

Building on a Budget is a fantastic value for the cost. It successfully sells you on the idea and introduces you to some fantastic resources to get started.

But it won't take most people to the finish line.

In other words, most network marketers will be assisted with Dillard's 'Building on a Budget,' but they won't all be able to do what it aims to teach them unless they find more guidance.

How does Building on a Budget compare to other new generation Internet marketing training systems that are teaching these and other 'building on a budget' strategies?

As many network marketers are quickly learning, the concept of generating your own prospects list and creating additional cash-flow streams as you do it is too attractive to pass on. Still, most are figuring out that it's a challenge to set it all up correctly.

Of Course, There's a Learning Curve.

Mostly, it's technical.

Just getting to the right web sites and setting these up takes a lot of time when you're guessing your way through the details.

While Building on a Budget sells the idea, and gets you started in the right direction, you still have to boot up the computer and fight through the details of getting your accounts and content all linked up the way it should be.

Some new generation training systems have appeared on the scene recently to fill the gap for frustrated networkers who know they're never going back to the old ways of business building, but are finding it hard to connect all the Internet marketing dots.

This is where Marketing Merge has really stepped up.

It's the first step-by-step training tutorial site that literally walks you through everything, from setting up your account at the new site location, onto creating the content that will be found by prospects, onto doing the actual marketing so it gets found--and it's all done mouse click by mouse click so you set things up as you watch.

There is another similar training program from Renegade University, but it's focused more on those who were introduced to the Renegade Network Marketer and System, rather than on Dillard's stuff.

Still, many of Dillard's members (Magnetic Sponsoring, MLM Traffic Formula and Building on a Budget) have migrated into Renegade University, which is free, and then into the more advanced visual tutorials at Marketing Merge.

So with all these other options, is Building on a Budget worth the time and money?

I actually think that it is. It's a fantastic place to start if you get the book with these realistic expectations that it will do a great job at selling you on the idea (because it's a powerful way to build your business, no doubt), and it will introduce you to some fantastic locations as well as offer some great tips that will be helpful going forward. But you will still be left to do the work after reading the book.

And that's where you may want to find one of the new generation visual tutorial training systems to help take you to that next level.

One thing's for certain...

The new model of attraction marketing is where it's at and where it will continue going. Approach this realistically and you'll be attracting a lot of prospects your way with this building on a budget Internet strategy.

About Mike Klingler

"It's a whole lot easier when the prospects are coming to you, Mike says."

Mike teaches network marketers Internet attraction marketing, emphasizing "no and low cost" strategies with Social Web 2.0 Media.

Magnetic Sponsoring and Building on a Budget Fans -- Attract More Prospects to You with This SEO Strategy

Learn with Mike to generate your own prospects list, and how to monetize with cash-flow strategies that allow you to afford to keep building the network marketing business you're in right now.

7 Mistakes That Will Kill Your Article

Article writing has become, in the last few years one of the most effective ways to get qualified visitors to your web site. The article though, must be able to grab the readers attention and be informative enough to leave the reader with a feeling of having learned something. There are 7 mistakes that you can make which will actually kill your article. Along with not grabbing the readers attention and not being informative, spelling and grammar mistakes, the use of keywords, Plagiarizing, self promotion, and miss use of the resource box will all kill an article. In this article I will explain these mistakes in some detail and ways to avoid them.

First of all you need a title that will grab the readers attention. You want the reader to want to read through your article. Most people are so busy these days that they just skim through to see if there is anything worth reading. Nice catchy titles that start with for example "The 5 Reasons You Should...", "10 Ways To Improve Your...". You get the idea. Once You get them interested with the title, you then want to give them some informative content. something they can take away from the article.

Secondly, the content of your article must have something of value for the reader to stay interested. The content must be informative and educational, give the reader something they didn't know before they read the article. You do not have to be an expert just, Know what you are writing about and do not make the topic to broad, the reader will lose interest quickly. You should also include some well placed key words in your content.

The third mistake is the miss use of key words. You want to use a key word density of 1-3%. You do not want to saturate your article with key words. Search engines will not frown on you if you stay with in the 1-3 % density. It is when you go well beyond the 1-3% that the search engines start to see your article as being auto written. You don't want to have them give you a bad reputation so it's wise to stay within the percentages.

The fourth mistake is a self promoting article. An article that is full of hype and self promotion is transparent and a big turn off to experienced marketers. Those types of articles never get read and surely never get downloaded to other peoples sites, newsletters and e-zines. Self promoting should be left for your personal website or your ads. Stay away from self promoting in your articles. Any kind of promoting of your site or product should be in your resource box.

The fifth mistake is plagiarizing, using someone else's original article as your own. In writing articles original content is the best way to go. If you do not know too much about the subject you want to write about than do some research and take notes. From your notes you can format your article and expand from there. If you like someone's article that you see in a directory you can use it as long as you include the resource box at the end of the article and keep in tact. You must give the original author credit when ever you use their articles.

Number six naturally is resource boxes. These must be used wisely. Do not put too much in this box. This is where you let the reader know who you are, what you do, and where your website is located. You do not want to get to crazy with this because too much can turn a person off. And the whole point of the article is to get the reader interested in who you are so that they can go to your resource box and click on the link to your website. Make sure though that your spelling is correct. You do not want to go through all the trouble of writing a good article and than misspell your website address.

The seventh and probably the most important mistake that is made is that article writers do not use that handy little button on their tool bar that says "SPELL CHECK". It does not matter how good you are at writing. You should always use the spell checker. A Well written article with no spelling or grammar mistakes will show the readers that you are a professional and you care about the product that you put out. After all an article that you write is a product that you put out.

Articles are fun to write and they do bring quality visitors to your website if they are done correctly. Making sure that you do not commit any of these seven mistakes will insure that you write a good quality article that people will want to read. Have fun and may your article writing be a success.

Frank is a very successful Internet Marketer with various Affiliate programs. He makes a living helping people start their Internet Marketing careers, and shows them how to become successful as well. Visit Franks website at :http://www.Home-Biz-For-You.Com You can Pick up Franks Free Home Business Newsletter at:Free Newsletter

Copyright Frank Tello


How Does Your Article Performance Compare With The Averages

I am frequently asked how many URL clicks or how many page views can be expected with the average article. And, although I keep good records, Ive never done any research on that. In preparation for this article, I did a search on Google and found tons of research on website page views per visitor, but I found nothing on average page views for individual articles. So, in the interest of research, I compiled this information based on articles that I submitted to the largest submission site over the past three-months.

Keep in mind that I submit articles everyday. Therefore, some of the articles were submitted three months ago and some of the articles were submitted in the last week. Also, the information below represents the average performance, some articles did ten times better and some did one tenth as well.

Page Views

Page views are the lifeblood of your article business. The number of page views your article achieves determines all of the other performance figures that your article attains. Over this time period, my average article received 56 page views.

URL Clicks

The number of times that readers click on the links in your resource box is one of the main reasons that most of us write articles. On average, 3.7 readers have clicked on my links.

Some of my articles have had as many as 17% of the readers click on my links. This is an unusually high percentage. Using the average page views and URL clicks above, 6.6% of those who read my articles click on my links.

Ezines Published

My average article is published in 1.8 ezines.

Use the information posted above to compare the performance of your articles versus my three-month sample. Id be very interested in seeing how these numbers compare with others who write articles on a consistent basis.

Make Money! Build Your List! FREE!!!

Article Marketing Service - Put the Niche Lock on Your Competition with Articles

Article marketing service is defined as a simple form of advertising used by many businesses that write short articles which relate to their industry and its functioning. Although this term may sound new, let me assure you it isnt. In fact, it is used by almost all professionals and is old as the mass print media itself.

You can find niche marketing articles, article marketing websites, article marketing net etc and many more , each having their own specific features . For e.g. Niche marketing articles bring down the focus of the huge population on very specific products or services that are being offered. Many businesses adapt to niche marketing services to explore the untapped potential of their products/services in the highly competitive markets. There are niche marketing service providers offering their services .

Well, if you may be thinking, How do I practice article marketing for my service? then here it is. First, you need to challenge yourself to organize and keep the content very simple and easy to understand. Next, it is important to remember that those visiting your article marketing content on the web have to get the maximum information needed. Finally, every article should have a bio box and a by line which helps the reader to get in contact with the authors business.

Thus, we can say that article marketing service can bring big fortunes to the authoring business and amass new clientele. So what are you waiting for? Pick up your pen, put on your thinking hat and start writing. Of course, if you would rather leave it to the pros

ArticlesInMyInbox is the world's premier original content marketing articles service provider and your unfair advantage in creating original articles,search engine optimized for top placement in Google, in order to secure the search engine daily visits to your website as being listed #1 in your niche for all of your niche's most searched keyterms and phrases. Also, your customers will be pre-screened before coming to your website because they have just read an article that targets them to what you provide and have decided to click on the link in your resource box to take the next step. To make your next step the next level for your business by putting the professional team of writers at ArticlesInMyInbox to work for you, just visit

Wealthy Affiliate Review

I'll start by saying that I'm a member of Wealthy Affiliate.

I'll give you the details here, and you can decide for yourself if you think it's worthwhile.

Wealthy Affiliate teaches you everything you need to know to reach these goals and start working online full time, or perhaps just working part time creating a second stream of income. Whatever you want to do, Wealthy Affiliate will help you get there.

Lets get started

Now, let's get one thing out of the way. WA is in no way a scam or a get rich quick scheme. If you had your doubts, fear no more, WA is the anti-scam in the fact you get everything you pay for, plus some.

What is Wealthy Affiliate?

For those that don't know, WA is an online community for aspiring and professional internet marketers of all backgrounds. Whether you're rich or poor, a pro or a newbie, there is something at Wealthy Affiliate to help you grow. The information provided will help you get started or start making better conversions, and the community we've established is priceless.

On the forum, there are some experts, some intermediates, and plenty of newbies. There are places for people to ask any types of questions for any issues they have, and they'll be answered quickly. There are thousands of members, so it's never quiet. There are lots of questions asked and answered, and there's also an area for people to talk about if they're having success.

Wealthy Affiliate University Will Help You Make More Money Online!

Click Here! to find out more and visit Wealthy Affiliate.

Eli Ajouri

Advanced Article Marketing Secrets - Learn The Fundamentals That Will Boost Your Profits Part 1

Article marketing is really one of the best ways that you can promote your business online. Basically, you can use this to promote nearly any type of product.

The big advantages is that it is completely free so you get to keep all the profits. Also the leads are proven to convert up to ten times better than other sources. Think about it logically who would you rather buy from an author who writes consistently and helps you to build your business or an advert that you clicked on in Google. As a famous sales trainer once said people only buy from people that they like, know and trust.

Now let us look at the purpose of an article. It's primary purpose is to generate leads. You may be wondering why you would like to do this? Very few people will actually buy from a site that they do not know much about the very first time. If you are very lucky you will get about one percent of people to buy.

An important part of the relationship selling of internet marketing is to generate leads and then first warm those leads up and establish trust and credibility with them before you start selling to them. At this point in time I am sure that you can see that article marketing is a long term process. You may only reap the full benefit a few months down the line. Your primary goal is to build a big list of long term subscribers that you can sell to over and over again.

Basically, this is an asset the same as a house or shares that you invest in. Every time you send emails to that list you will make money.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.